Is that...?

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I was busy, Working on Hannah's new hit, I might forgot to tell you that I'm her dj and I help her with all of her songs to her channel, Suddenly I felt pair of arms around my waist and someone put his head in the crook of my neck, I giggled

"Raph, I'm busy" I told him and tried to shove him off but he didn't budge

"What are you doing?" He mumbled into my neck

"I'm working on Hannah's new song, Now please, Let me work" I asked from him, He held me closer

"I don't wanna..." He said and picked me from the wheelchair, We went into his room and locked the door behind him, We sat on his bed, I sighed in defeat

"Alright, I'll work on it later" I said, He chuckled.

"That's what I wanted to hear" He said, There was a silence.

"So... What do you want to do?" I asked

"Well... Maybe you'll teach me some of your job" He said with a grin, I smiled

"Well, I'll have to get my stuff from the wheelchair" I got up and walked clumsily out of the room to get my stuff

"-GOONGALA! -CASEY, DON'T!!!" I heard two voices and before I knew it, I was on the floor, A black haired boy with brown eyes and a lot of missing teeth held me down, He looked at me with a death look

"Who are you and what are you doing in my friends' lair? Are you working for the Purple Dragons?" He asked and didn't give me a time to answer, I tried to get out of his grasp

"RAPH! HELP ME!!" I yelled, Hoping he'll hear me

"Why would he help you? He's in our side" He said

"JONES! Hands off of my GIRLFRIEND!" I sighed in relief as I heard my boyfriend's sweet voice, I felt someone is yanking me our of 'Casey's grasp, Raph held me close to him while Casey got up

"Raph dude, Whoa...?" Casey looked confused, Hannah and the other turtles came out

"What happened? Why did Ella scream?" Leo asked, Hannah ran to us and saw Casey, She sighed

"Really Jones?" She asked

"What? It's not my fault, I thought she's an intruder!" He said, Hannah sighed

"Guys, This is Ella Evans, My friend, dj and Raph's girlfriend, Ella, This is April O'neil, Donnie's girlfriend" Hannah said, April walked over

"I've heard so much about you Ella, I'm sorry, I tried to stop him" She said, I nodded

"And the idiot who tried to get your head off is-" Donnie started but Casey inturapped

"Jones, Casey Jones" He said, I stared at him with shock... He...

"Lusio...?" I asked quietly, Everyone became silent, Casey looked surprised

"Excuse me...?" He asked not sure

"Lusio, Don't you recognize me? It's me Ella, Your younger sister" I said quietly

"Look girl, I'm sorry but I think you're wrong, My name is Casey, Not Lusio" He said, I have to prove him...

"Do you still got the big birth mark on your left knee?" I asked, He looked surprised

"Ella, You probably hit your head hard when you fell, Casey has a father, You probably just need to rest" Hannah said, Raph sighed and kissed my forhead

"Come on, Let's get you to bed" He mumbled and took me away but I kept look over his shoulder and stared as 'Casey' who was staring back at me...

(Heya guys! So how was that? I hope you like it, So what do you think, Could Casey Jones actually be Lusio Evans? Leave a comment and tell me what do you think, Love ya!) 

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