A start of a new family and a reunion of an old family

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Leo POV:

"No... No... Not... NO! I can't find anything!" I let out a groan and threw the magazine, But it hit Ella when she came into my room

"Ow!" She said

"Oh, Sorry Ella, My bad" I said sadly

"It's totally fine Leo" She said as she picked the magazine and sat next to me

"I guess we got some problem?" She asked me

"Yeah... I can't find a ring for Hannah" I sighed as she searched in the magazine

"What's wrong with this one?" She asked me as she showed me a 'Yin and Yang' silver ring, I groaned again

"It's to simple, It needs to be perfect!!" I let out a yell

"Leo, Calm down" She said sternly, I took a deep breath and looked at her

"I'm sorry Ella... I just... I don't know... I really want to get married to Hannah but I don't know anything about being a husband... or a father" He said while blushing

"It's easy! Being a husband means to be a guy that loves his girlfriend more than he allready did, And father? Take your time Leo, When you'll be settled with Hannah as your wife, You'll be able to think of kids, Now, Just relax and tell me what do you Hannah's engagment ring to be like?" She asked me

Ella POV:

He smiled and slowly said:

"I wanted it to be perfect, Just like her, I want it to be so sentimental that everytime she'll look at it, She'll remember me, Even if I'm far away" I smiled

"Why don't you make one?" I asked him, He thought

"That could work, Thanks Ella" I blushed

"I didn't do anything special" I mumbled

"Yes you did! It's only thanks to you that I know now how much I really love Hannah, I'll see ya later" He said and ran out like he did when he decided to marry her, I smiled

"Lovebird..." I said and got up

Casey POV:

My dad and I never really talked to eachother, Since he was always in his job, I sighed and looked around, Waiting for him to show up, It was 9 PM when he showed up

"Dad, I must talk to you-" I started

"Hold on a sec, Casey, Don't worry sir, We'll defendant them" He said, Yes, My dad is a lawyer, I looked at him with an angry look, He always ignores me, I won't let him this time

"Am I adopted?" I asked, It worked, Dad stopped in the middle of the sentence and looked at me with a shock look

"I'll call you back" He said and hang up

"Casey, What do you mean?" He asked me

"Simply what it means: I asked you if I'm not your child" I said sternly


We sat in the kitchen, Next to the desk, Facing eachother

"Now, Tell me: Why do you think you're adopted?" He asked

"Come on dad, I told you allready: I know Japanesse and Spanish for some reason, I don't even look like you or mom" I answered in the thousand time

"Casey Eliot Jones, You always knew that you don't look like us and you never let it bother you, What changed?" He asked calmly yet nervously, I sighed in defeat

"I met a girl... a disabled girl, When she first saw me, She thought I'm her borther, A kid that she lost in an accident, She said that the hospital gave him in for adoption: Dad, You should've seen her, She looks just like me, She speaks Japanesse and Spanish fluently and she was so serious when she called me: Lusio" I finished, Dad's eyes went total wide and his mouth hang open, He looked like he was hit by a train, He ran a hand through his head and started to mumble things

"Dad? Dad, Are you ok?" I asked as he kept mumbling and I catch a few words as: 'It can't be' and 'They told me they're gone'" 

"Dad! What's going on?" I asked him, Finally getting his attention again, He took a file out of his bag and he sighed

"Casey... It's importent for me to let you know that I love you and I didn't mean to do anything bad" He said, I gave him a sign to continue

"You're adopted... Me and you mom tried to have children for two years so we went to the hospital... There we found out that your mom couldn't have kids, It hit us so bad and we were so heartbroken... When we got out, A group of medics and doctors were running to the surgery room with a bed, There lied a little boy with black hair... He was badly hurt, They told us he was in a car accident, We didn't know why buy we just felt connected to him, We stayed there and waited for family memebers to show up but nothing" Dad took a deep breath and continue

"When he was finally in the recovery room, We got in and waited for the parents, The doctors told us that the parents died in the accident... That kid was you Casey" I put a hand over my mouth and fell back to the chair

"Casey, I promise you: We knew that you had a little sister, We even visited her a lot, but the doctors told us after a few monthes they told us that she's dying... We didn't want you to be alone, So we adopted you, When you woke up and we found out that you don't remember anything, We thought it'll be good for you to stay like that, We changed your name to Casey and raised you as our son" He took the file and held it in the air

"Casey... Here you got all the files of your adoptain, It also got the files about your past, You're 20 so you deserve to know, The question is: Do you want to?" I looked at the files and then at my dad... I got a family now, I have a father who loves me, I can forget about that...

But... I still got a real family! If Ella is really my little sister, I can't leave her like that, I took the files and open them, I gasped at what I saw 

Hannah POV:

"Ella? Have you seen Leo?" I asked her, She looked up at me with a smile

"Yeah, I think he's in the kitchen" She answered, I went in and saw him next to the desk, His head in his hands

"Hey Lion, What are you doing?" I asked as I happily sat next to my boyfriend, He jumped and hid whatever it was behind his back

"Nothing Melody" He said nervously, I was surprised by that, Leo and I agreed to never hide things from eachother, Well, I'll let him go on this one, I went to the refrigerator and took out the cocoa bottle, I closed it and took the cornflakes' box, I poured them both into two bowls and sat next to Leo, handing him one, There was a silent between us as we ate when suddenly Leo spoke up

"Hannah... What do you think when you think about me?" He asked, I gulped the spoon that was in my mouth and looked at him as I wiped my mouth with a napkin

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You know, When you think about me, What do you think right after that?" He asked, I thought

"Well... I think that I'm the luckiest girl on Earth, That I love you a lot and.... I don't know, Why do you ask?" I asked him, He blushed

"I... I'm just scared that maybe you don't want me anymore" He admitted, I got up

"I would never think something like that Leo! Don't forget: You're my turtle in blue boy remember?" I asked, He smiled and nodded, I pecked his lips and put the bowls in the sink

"I'm going to my parents, I'll be back soon ok?" I asked, He nodded and with a last smile I left

Leo POV:

Thanks Hannah... Now I know what to do...

(Heya guys! How was that? I'm really, really sorry I didn't write for so long, School issues, I hope you like it and there will be a part 2 for this, Leave a commet, Love ya!!)

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