new favorite food.

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Y/n pov

Ever since I got my first kill on my bully, I feel like I have a family that actually cares about me. Like if I got hurt in mt murder spree they will help me with my wounds.

Me and BEN were just hanging out when liu walked in. "Hey how do you like the killing so far?" He asked "awesome!" I said with and insane smile.

It quickly went away when I realized it came out. He chuckled "your probably losing your sanity. If you dont want to lose it like we have you should stop going on killing sprees."

He suggested. I nodded and decided im not going on anymore killing sprees. I went in the kitchen and went through the fridge.

I saw a human heart in it. I was startled for second but I calmed myself. I just looked at it and it looked so tasty.

I shook my head from the thought and went to the cabinets. There was just cereal. I didn't like that. I just kept looking at the fridge.

'No, y/n your NOT going to eat a fucking heart.' I thought I sat at the table and kept looking at the fridge.

It was time to go to bed and I went or me room and took a shower, and all I could think about was eating that stupid heart. Who even got that?

I finished my shower and got dressed. And got in bed. I couldn't sleep thinking about that heart again. "What is happening to me" i thought.

Maybe one bite wouldn't hurt. I thought, and I started to walk down stairs. Making sure that I dont wake anyone up. I got to the kitchen and opened the fridge and there was the heart.

I licked my lips looked so good. I took the jar opened it and saw the heart covered in blood ready to devour. I took the heart out and took a tiny bite out of it.


I thought and started to devour it. When I was eating the heart the lights flicked on, i turned around and saw dr.smiley.

"Excuse me miss but i need to check in the fridge for my heart" he said. Wait HE got that heart!! I freaked out an he like in the fridge and looked mad.

"Wheres that heart" he snapped. "Umm what heart" I asked he snapped his head around to me "THE HEART THAT WAS IN THE FRIDGE!" He whiper yelled so he wouldnt disturb anyone.

"Wait there's blood on your mouth. Did- did you eat the heart that I put in the fridge?" He asked gently. I nodded scared what hes going to do.

"D- do you want more?" He asked hesitenly. I snapped my head up and nodded quickly. "Looks like you have a new favorite food. Hearts." He said

"I guess. But in sorry I ate your heart. I'll get you another." I apologized he shook his head "nah it's okay I was actually going to destroy it anyway. Im not fascinated by hearts"

I was confused, then why did he have it? "So why did you have it." "I needed a docter to give me his syringes, but he wouldn't give them to me and I knew him Soooooo I killed him and took his heart."

He explained that made alot more sense. We got to the medic room and I saw hard of organs and body parts. Then I saw a full row of hearts. "Take as much as you would like. I'll fill your supply when I go on my sprees"

He said i nodded and took 10 jars "thank you so much" I said I nodded and i ate two hearts in my room and went to bed.

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