misunderstanding part 2

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●Y/ns pov●

I ran off into the woods not sure where i was going. Jeff doesnt love me   anymore because of what i did. But to be honest i dont remember anything. I dont remember kissing Damien. I slowed down into a walking pace and i felt at ease. I didnt plan on going back ever, i got to a big oak tree that people pay to see. Its the biggest tree in the world and people pay to see it and to be honest there millions of trees in the world and the choose this one to be the tallest one. Idiots.
"Y/N!" I heard someone yelling my name and it was jeff, why was he looking for me? "M- maybe he does love me. T- this was stupid im going back." I said to myself but all of a sudden i couldnt move.
I felt arms wrap around me and they weren't jeffs.
"Hon, if you scream, i wont hesitate to bite you. Kay love?" Damien said. I gave in and let him take me away. I couldnt move so what was the point.
"How did you get out?" J asked and he grinned. "Secret." He said and i rolled my eyes. We got to the middle of the woods and he set my on my feet still not able to move i sighed and stood there like a mannequin.
"Dont worry love. Hes will be here soon enough." He said and tears slipped my eyes i wanted jeff back.
"Manipulation is a very powerful thing." He said. I saw jeff and Damien did too. "Hello jeff." Damien grinned and pulled me closer. He wrapped his arms around me and grinned at jeff.
"Let her go!" Jeff yelled pulling out a knife. Damien laughed and pulled out a gun and winked at jeff. "You know we both want her....you know i want her." He said with a grin. "SHES MINE! SHE WAS ALWAYS MINE! TELL HIM Y/N!!" Jeff screamed.
"Tell him y/n." Damien repeated and tears slipped from my eyes.
"Im Damiens." Was what i said. I wasnt in control. He was controlling my thoughts,emotions,words,me. I still couldnt move and jeffs eyes were widened "you dont mean that!" He said and still i didnt have control and i shook my head. "I love Damien." I said and i was mentally sobbing. Screaming for jeff to save me, he has to know this isn't me.
I then felt something crawl inside of me. Like a spirit. Oh no. D- do i have another personality?
I then blacked out and i saw everything inside my own mind.
《???'S pov》
Im finally inside. "Hello jeff." I giggled and held Damien close. I kissed Damien passionately and jeff couldnt believe his eyes. "Your not y/n." Jeff said and he ran at me causing me to fall back. "I know what you are. Widow." Jeff said and cut my cheek. I hissed and Damien punched jeff and jeff fell back.
I felt y/n crawling out and i saw her in front of me. He growled and threw herself at me. I saw Damien knocked out on the ground and me and y/n were wearing the same clothes and we looked the same. (A/n:You know where this is going ;))

¤Y/ns pov¤

I saw jeff holding a gun in front of me and widow and he was confused as all hell. "Oh fuck." He cursed.
Which one was the real y/n?

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