years go by quick

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●S/ns pov●

I smile at the sight of blood in front of me as it seeps out of the girl. Shes terrified and she scrambles to get away from me. I chuckle darkly and stabbed her slowly and she screamed. I dont stop though. She dies. I smile.
"Nice job son." I turn around to see my dad with his paper white skin, his cut smile, and non blinking eyes.
"Thanks dad." I say with a wicked smile.
"Come on. Lets not keep dinner waiting. Im starving." He chuckles. I nodded and we walked back to the mansion.
Im 16 right now and im very happy with my family. I loved them all even if they pissed me off. Im like my dad in a way and i know one doesnt like me. Can you guess? Yup jane. Im like my dad and she doesnt like that so that led her to not talk to me.
My mom, shes very pretty. Dad says i have her eyes and her smile.
We get the mansion and we run into the kitchen and sit down.
"Hey! How are my boys?" A voice asks and i look to see my beautiful mother standing  there with the biggest smile on her face and warm aura around her. "Great! Killed a cheerleader! It was awesome!!!" I say excitingly and she giggles and pats my head. "Your just like your dad." She chuckles.
"Well yeah, were men! Arent we s/n!" "Yeah!" We both start flexing and that only caused her to laugh and we both pout. "Very manly! Now eat." She said and handed us spaghetti. We devour our food and burp here and there. People storm in and start eating and my mom and slender high five eachother and we all say thank you.
"This is amazing you both did so well." Masky said and smiled.
"Well thats my girl. Amazing."

{Y/ns pov}

S/n grew up so fast! I smile at him as he eats his food and i eat mine as well. I look up at jeff and i just wanted to kiss him so bad but hes always busy. Maybe i can distract him from work and all that. Anyway lets recap the years. s/n grew up, jeff is busy, we haven't aged because of immortality, and i some what stopped killing and became a stay at home mom and help slender with the house. I dont mind, i still eat hearts and will never stop, and sally grew!!! Shes actually 15! But the only thing is she ages and shes trapped inside of an eight year olds body. Its sad to think about i know but she doesnt mind being an eight year old.
I went to the lake and smiled at the beautiful water. I heard footsteps behind me. I turn around to see s/n there smiling. I smiled and patted the spot next to me. "This is where me and you father fell in love." I told him. He loved hearing stories of me and his  father. "I wish i can fall in love." He sadly looked down and i told him.
"Wishes only come true if you do the work to make them true. If you wish for love then find it, if you wish for money earn it, if you wish for fame work for it." I say and his face turns into realization. I smile and pat his head. "Thank you mom." He said.
"Your welcome hun. Race you to the mansion." "Oh your on." We run to the mansion giggling our asses off and we watch some tv.
Jeff plops next to me and kisses my lips. "We made it." He says "We did." I smiled and leaned on his shoulder and i wanted to stay like thid forever.

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