A day with jeff

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{Y/ns pov}

Everyone in the mansion had a day off, so I decided to see who was free to hang out with me. I quickly thought Jeff and ran to his room. I took a few breaths before knocking. I heard a faint come in, so I went inside to see Jeff throwing knives at the wall. There were a ton of knives on the wall. He smiled making the cut in his cheeks to stretch. "Hey! What are you doing here?" He said happily. Man hes in a good mood today.

"Well i was wondering if maybe you wanna hang out today? Maybe go kill people in the woods." I said I with a smile, he chuckled and nodded, we got ready and left the mansion. "So....what do you wanna talk about?" I asked breaking the war piercing silence around us. He shrugged, we kept walking when we heard a twig snap. We both quickly turn around and saw a boy. He didn't seem to see us so jeff hid behind a rock and I his in the trees. He looked around 18, he had a camera maybe a photographer, he didn't look that tough but strong. Me and Jeff stalked him until I signaled Jeff to attack. He jumped on Top of him and started to slice him, he screamed and I smiled so did Jeff. Jeff started to laugh insanely as he stabbed the boy, that's when I knew he had enough. The boy was already dead a Jeff wouldn't stop stabbing him. "Jeff stop that enough." I said, He didn't seem to listen and I got mad. "I SAID THAT'S ENOUGH! JEFF CALM THE FUCK DOWN, HES DEAD!" I Yelled and that seemed to snap him out of it. "Sorry, I sometimes take it too far." He said with a nervous chuckle, I smiled and took the boy heart and Jeff took his kidneys for that bitch and we both left him there to rot.

{Time skip}

Me and Jeff hung out all day. It was really fun, It took my mind off of zalgo. Me and Jeff were laughing and talking stories together, to be honest I sometimes cant hide the fact I like him, there's just something about him that makes him....unique. it's not his smile, it's not his insanity, it's not his hair or anything. It's his personality, yes he kinda get mad. But hes yes really nice once you get to know him.
Oh Jeff I really wish you knew how I feel about you. 

{Jeff's pov}

God dammit! Her smile, laugh, hair. UUUUGH I want her. I need her. She's perfect. I love her, I really want to make her mine but i know she will reject me. I know im beautiful but she might not be interested. 'Damn why do you make me feel this way?!' I thought.

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