Who Knew?(Sequel) Book 2

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(Melina's POV)

It's been about 10 years since Harry Liam and Zayn were arrested. Long time I know. Today, Harry is getting out of jail. He was supposed to go for another 10 years, but he's getting off in good behavior. The other 2 boys weren't so lucky. They haven't been on their best behavior so they have to stay longer.

I'm off to the court house currently, wanting to see Harry right after he gets out. He's now 30 years old. I'm 24 now, trying to manage living on my own, until I have enough money to go to Africa for my work.

I made it to the court house a half hour of driving later, and there is a ton of paparazzi. This isn't going to be good. I sigh, running a hand through my hair, before stepping out of my car, and fixing my black pencil skirt so it's not bunched up. My heels click against the gravel as I walk to the steps to get in. I hear all this yelling one at me, and a massive amount if flashes partially blinding me.

I shield my eyes with my hand and push my way through the crowd before stumbling into the building. I groan, blinking away the blurriness in my vision. I ask a near by police officer what room Harry Styles was in, he escorted me there an I thanked him, slipping into the room, trying to stay quiet. In the small crowd seated, I find a pair of Blonde and Brown hair sitting in the front. I walk over to them smiling, and sat down next to the familiar blonde one. He looked at me, an his eyes widened.

He smiled a bit, but Louis just looked, emotionless. My face fell when I saw how empty he looked. 'Is he okay?' I mouthed to Niall. Niall looked next to him, and shrugged in response.

"All rise!" Boomed a police officer. Me and the other people in the room rises at the Judge came in.

"You may be seated." She said, not sounding thrilled. Harry was brought in, in a pair of cuffs with a cop holding his bicep. I forgot how fit he was. I shook my head of those odd thoughts, and waited patiently until he was dismissed from the court room.

I walked over to him, flattening my skirt and fixing my blouse a bit. He looked up when he heard my heels, an looked confused.

"Harry." I nodded. He studied my face for a few seconds.

"Melina?" He asked unsure. I nodded smiling a bit. His eyes widened. A smile broke out onto his face, and he came over to hug me. I hugged him back.

"I didn't think I would see you again." He breathed out. I just smiled an blushed a bit.

"You look..... Great." He said smirking looked me up and down. I scoffed and shook my head.

"Still being a teenage boy I see." I eyed him. He chuckled, shaking his head.

"What else would I be?" I looked down. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. Dammit.

I heard 2 pairs of shoes walking towards us, I turned around and saw Louis and Niall.

"Guys? You came?" Harry gasped. Niall grinned. Louis just, stared at Harry. Niall and Harry hugged tight or a few seconds, then Harry turned to Lou. His face fell, as if remembering how they left off. He looked down at his feet, not knowing what to say.

"I hate you." A voice broke the awkward silence. Harry looked up, and saw the look of lure hatred on Louis face. I can't believe it. After 10 years he's still not over it.

"W-What?" Harry stammered.

"You heard me you prìck." Louis spit. Harry looked down, submitting to Louis immediately. Prepared to take all the words he deserves to hear. But none of them came.

Who Knew?(Sequel) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now