Chapter 10

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*Please hit vote and please comment! Read the authors note at the end. IMPORTANT*

(Melina's POV) 

"Harry." I groaned. I shook him, but he just wouldn't budge. I sighed, frustrated. 

"Harry! Get up!" I called a little louder. He fidgeted in his sleep, but still didn't wake up. Okay I'm done at this point. It was around noon, and I really needed to go to the lab. I wiggled and eventually broke loose of his grip. I was careful to climb over him, and headed into my room and grabbed some clothes, and going into the bathroom for a quick shower.

When I got out, I quickly dried off and got dressed and blow dried my hair, leaving it down. I sighed, smiling at my reflection. I walked back into my room, though it had a weird feeling to it. Something wasn't right. I quieted my breathing down and carefully scanned the room for any slight changes, but everything was the same. I peeked out my bedroom window and I nearly screamed when the bush moved, but it was only a bird flying away.

I clutched my chest and let out a breath of relief and was about to turn around, when I felt a pair of rather large hands on my waist and I screamed at the top of my lungs, and one of the hands covered my mouth seizing my scream. I thrashed around and bit down the person's hand trying to free myself. He let go, and I turned around and kneed him where it hurts. I heard a groan, and was about to tackle him to the ground, but I noticed the familiar curls. 

Shit, I basically attacked Harry. I gasped covering my own mouth my hand, and bent down trying to help him. He shooed me away and sucked in a breath and stood up, his face contorted in pain. "What the hell was that for?" his voice was strained and his hands were still over his area.

"I'm so sorry Harry. You scared me!" I explained. I felt horrible. Ever since I was taken and brought back home I took up self defense classes and I did what my gut told me. 

"Jesus." he groaned. I bit my lip, and grabbed his arm, sitting him down on my bed. 

"Give me some warning next time." I told him. He nodded and sighed. I could tell that most of the pain subsided and that he was able to walk again. 

"I woke up and you weren't there and I heard you walk into your room, so I came to check why you left." Harry explained to me. I nodded understanding. 

"Get dressed you, unless you don't want to come with me?" I asked. He answered by going to go and get some clothes and showering for a few minutes, getting dressed and blow drying his hair. 

"Can I get a hair cut today?" he asked. I laughed, nodding when we were in the living area. WE left the apartment and got into my car, though I nearly screamed when I got in. I grabbed the note that was stuck to the steering wheel and stuck it underneath me. I was completely on edge the entire drive, not knowing what it said. For all I know the car could blow up any second.

Dammit. Why did I have to think that? I gripped the steering wheel tighter at the thought. What if? I shook my head trying to rid my mind of the thought. I sighed in relief when we made it to my work place. I got out, leading the way. "Harry, when we go in and get to my lab you have to stay out in the hall, just in case anything was to happen."

He simply nodded and did as I told him. Finally someone who listens to me. I walked into my lap and quickly took the note from the trash can, and putting it in my purse, and read the one that had appeared in my car.

"You really don't know how to lock things do you? First the doors and windows, now your car? Careful. ~ L"

Fucking hell, they were in my car?! My eyes were about to bug out of my head, but I calmed down, if this person wanted me dead they would have done it already. I calmed myself down, and got the cage out that contained the animal. I set it down on the counter and took him out, tying him to the pole so he couldn't get away.

I reached down, and got his veggie mix and put it in a bowl along with a bowl of water. The thing ate every last bit and drank everything. I chuckled and put him back in his cage. I carefully picked up the cage and placed it back where it was originally. I grabbed my purse and keys, shutting off the lights and locking the door. 

"Lets go get you that hair cut." I smiled weakly. Harry didn't take notice though and smiled back, following me out of the building. We climbed back into the car and I drove to the place where I get my hair done. 

When we arrived there was no wait at all, and Kelly took us right away. It took Harry a little while to figure out what he wanted, but he showed her a picture of himself when he was about 18, saying he wanted his hair that short. She smiled and complied. It took about a half hour for her to get it just right, and Harry styled his hair with his famous curly locks. I smiled, remembering when it was rare to see his hair down. 

I paid, and Harry complained but I ignored it and we got back into the car. I took a breath and started the car back up. "You okay?"

I turned to my right and nodded my head mumbling a quick 'yeah' before pulling out of the plaza and driving  back home. We arrived shortly and god I was happy because  hell, its only 2:30 in the afternoon and I was already tired. I walked in the door and collapsed onto the couch. I heard Harry laughing, but the ringing of my cell phone in my purse cut off the laugh I could listen to all day. 

I rummaged through my purse and found my phone seeing it was Niall.


"Mel? I'm coming over, it's an emergency."  he sounded scared and rushed, that's never good.

"Okay okay okay. hurry up." then we hung up. I groaned loudly, just wanting to rest. 

Harry walked over, and picked me up coddling me in his chest. I sighed in content, playing with his newly cut hair. He smiled softly at me and I returned the gesture. We gazed into each others eyes for a few seconds before I realized we both were leaning in. 

Though, I didn't stop when I saw what was about to happen. I smiled and leaning in more. Just as Harry's lips were ghosting over mine, and I could practically feel them on my own, the door flew open, and Niall stumbled in, immediately stopping when he saw how close we were. 

"Um, am I interrupting?" he asked awkwardly. I shook my head. 

"No, uh, you didn't. Come in and shut the door." I said blushing climbing out of Harry's warm embrace. He gave me the pouty face and I giggled. 

"Melina, we have a really big problem." Niall whispered in my ear. I turned slightly to face him, and looked down when he nudged me. I wanted to cry at that point. He had a small piece of paper in his hands, similar to mine. 

"I'm coming baby, I'm coming. ~ Z"  it read. I shook my head, trying to make it disappear but it wasn't working. 

Niall is getting the notes too, but from someone else.


Hey guys! It hasn't been too long since I last updated, only around 5 days which isn't too bad, but the past few chapters have been short and this one is a bit longer. It's around 1,300 words +. 

So this past Saturday was formal and it was perfect! I danced with this boy named Charles, who I'm kind of friends with, but only because of Talent Show and well now I kinda maybe sorta like him a lot cause he's funny and cute and can sing and is like amazing. God I'm screwed. BUT I POSTED A SELFIE ON MY PERSONAL INSTAGRAM AND HE LIKED IT AND I WAS LIKE DYING!!!! AND THEN I POSTED THIS THING ABOUT LOVE AND HE LIKED THAT TOO SO LIKE YEAH. 






~ Melina

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