Chapter 14

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(Niall's POV) *SURPRISE*

I quietly shut my door and trudged inside the room, looking around to make sure nothing was out of place. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary so I walked over to the cart that help the chocolate and champagne and picked up the bottle. It wasn't opened, but that doesn't mean that it's safe to drink. Same goes for the chocolates, they are brand new, but could have something in them.

I sighed and sat down on the bed, thinking for a moment, before coming back to reality. It was around 8 at night here, and because it was winter, that means it's already dark out. Tired, I decide just to go to bed and try to forget what happened a few minutes ago. I stripped down to my boxers and placed my clothes in a pile. I got into bed, but then remembered all the candles. I groaned and got up, blowing them all out, and turning on the bed-side lamp for comfort.

I climbed back into bed and snuggled into the blankets. I sighed in content, and closed my eyes for a while. Though the peace didn't last very long. I felt the room get very cold and I felt a presence. I didn't think anything of it and kept my eyes closed. The cold suddenly went away and I heard shuffling in the room, making my breath hitch.

The bed dipped and I completely froze. Whoever this was, clearly didn't notice my discomfort and proceeded to climb into bed with my, putting their arms around my waist. My jaw clenched, and I didn't dare move. They nuzzled their head into the crook of my neck, and I could feel them smiling.

The person suddenly lifted their head and they sighed. "You didn't drink or eat anything."

He sounded disappointed, and at this point, I knew exactly who this was.


I exhaled slowly and shakily, slowly sitting up in bed. I couldn't bare look at his face, it would be too much to bear. I couldn't bring myself to respond verbally and shook my head. He sighed heavily.

"That stuff costed a lot, I thought you would appreciate it." he sounded like he was sad that I hadn't done anything, yea it costed a lot of money but that doesn't mean anything to me. I put my hands in my lap and kept my head down, fiddling my thumbs. I felt the weight on the bed shift again, and noticed that I was the only one on the bed now.

He walked around the bed and crouched in front of me, taking my hands in his. "I didn't do anything to the chocolate and champagne. How come you didn't eat or drink? Do you not like it? I can get you something else." he spoke in a rushed tone. I just shook my head, and turned away, wanting to go to bed. I slid back under the covers, my back facing him. He sighed and climbed back into bed with me. I stiffened, why won't he just leave.

"Please, just let me stay the night with you. I won't do anything I promise, I just miss you." he pleaded. At this point he sounded like he was going to cry and I didn't do anything. I f he wanted to stay the night, fine by me. As long as he doesn't fucking try anything with me. I nodded my head and turned around, my back facing him once again.

He scooted closer and wrapped his arms loosely around my waist. He shifted again and put his head in the crook of my neck, sighing happily. I left the light on, too scared as to what would happen if I turned it off. I tried my best to get comfortable, but it didn't help that I was stiff in Zayn's arms, but who could blame me?

Eventually I gave up and softened in his arms, getting really comfortable, which surprised me. I cuddled into Zayn and shut my eyes relaxing when he squeezed my waist slightly then going back to his original grip. I sighed, somewhat happily, and soon fell asleep in the arms of my rapist. Don't worry, it surprised me too.

(Melina's POV)

Harry and I lay in bed, sharing small loving kisses. I giggled when he placed one to the tip of my nose, then one the the back of my ear. "Do you think Niall's okay?" Harry asked.

I looked Harry in the eyes. "Harry, he's 30 years old now, he's a big boy and can handle himself." I reasoned.

"But, what if that guy hurts Niall, and we don't know? He could be dead for all we know." he was panicking, why, I don't know. I trusted Niall and knew he could handle if that guy did go after him.I put my arms around Harry's neck and leaned in, kissing him softly, hopefully relaxing him. He kissed me back for a few seconds and then we broke away.

"He'll be okay. Don't worry." I reassured. Harry nodded and sat up, placing me in his lap. He kissed down my neck nibbling on the skin every now and then. I giggled when his hair tickled me, and he smiled against me, shaking his head.

"I'm trying to get in the mood, and start giggling. Really?" he asked laughing.

"Your hair tickled me!"

He sighed and nudged my neck, wanting me to move my neck so he had more access. I did as he wanted and he continued to kiss down my neck, though, I really wasn't in the mood to be intimate like that yet. I wiggled out of his grip and kisses and sat next to him on the bed. I rubbed my hand over my neck, and just sat there.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked. I shook my head and got under the covers, not bothering to change out of my clothes. "Did I do something wrong?"

"No, just, not in the mood that's all." I explained. Harry seemed to catch on and got under the covers with my cuddling into me. He reached over and kissed my cheek.

"Whenever you are ready is fine with me love." he whispered. I smiled lightly, grateful he wasn't going to rush me. I turned my body, so I was facing him and kissed his lips and put my head in his chest falling into a light sleep.

Though no one realized that Harry hadn't shut their curtains all the way and that there was a certain someone watching them the entire time through the little space left by the curtains.


Heyyyyyyy guys! It's been like forever since I updated and I apologize for any typos in the chapters, I try to proof read the best I can but some times I miss things. Also this story is rated R and it kind of bothers me so some of the swear words will look a little funny, but it will just be because I want the rating to go down.

I hope you all like this update and guys, I HAVE 478+ READS?!?!?! THAT'S FREAKING CRAZY! KEEP READING AND BEING ACTIVE CAUSE I LOVE IT!

Until next time remember to..........




~ Melina

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