Chapter 13

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(Melina's POV)

After we relaxed for a few hours away from hotel, we drove home with full stomachs and good spirits. II don't know about the boys but I had completely forgotten about everything that happened at the hotel, and it felt nice not to be paranoid for a while. I decided to let Niall drive us back home, me being too lazy to drive. It didn't take long at all before we arrived back at the hotel, and Niall got out and walked quickly to the hotel's entrance. At least it gave me and Harry some alone time.

We took our time walking back to the hotel, and held hands loosely and bumped hips occasionally.I  giggled when my hip hit his too hard and he was pushed about a foot away from me. He laughed and pulled me into his chest tickling my sides. I put my hands on his chest to make him get off but obviously he was stronger and there was no point in trying. 

I dropped my hands to my sides and the tickling seized, Harry looking at me. "I'll let go and stop tickling you on one condition." he smirked.

"And what might that be Styles?" I asked innocently. His eyes darkened slightly, but as quick as they turned, they went back to normal.

"A kiss from you, my love." he smiled. 

"I think I can handle that." I whispered as I leaned up and him meeting me the rest of the way. Our lips molded together for a few seconds, but as quick as it started, it ended just as fast. I sighed in content and smiled to myself. Harry kissed my temple and wrapped his arm around my waist. We finally made it inside the hotel, and we started climbing the stairs which seemed to never end. 

When we reached our floor, we walked to the room the three of us shared and saw Niall standing in the hallway looking horrified. My eye brows knitted together and I broke from Harry's grasp and jogged over to Niall. I looked to where he was staring and my jaw dropped. 

The entire room was covered in red rose petals and there were some candles lit, the lights dimmed with all the curtains shut. There was a bottle of red wine in a travel cart with a note card that looked similar to the ones we've been getting. I didn't want to know what the note said, and I definitely didn't want to walk in the room just in case. 

After what felt like 10 years Harry finally made it over to us and shook Niall a bit, but he didn't respond. Harry looked to where our eyes were glued and I swear I heard him growl. He stormed into the room, grabbed the note and brought it our so all of us could read it. 

He shoved it in my hands, looking pissed off. I gulped and nervously looked at the note. 

"Hope you like what we've done with the place, Niall's room is the exact same, but his has a surprise ;). ~ L&Z" 

Holy. Fucking. Hell. I handed the note to Niall and he read it over and over trying to make the words change but obviously that wasn't going to work. Harry grabbed Niall's room key our of his back pocket and walked down a door, motioning us to follow. I grabbed Niall's hand and dragged him with me. Harry slide the key in the slot and the door unlocked. He pushed it open and the room did look exactly the same, but there were more candles and there were chocolates and even some champagne. 

It seemed very loving and caring, not at all appearing scary except the fact that there was another note card standing up against the ice filled container which held the champagne. Harry huffed and walked in, grabbing the note, reading it first, This one was clearly longer, and not just the normal one sentence. 

I was handed the note and braced myself. 

"Niall, I know you probably aren't alone right now, in fact I'm pretty sure that either Melina or Harry is reading this note. But I just wanted to let you know that I'm not going to hurt you and I'm really not trying to scare you. I just really miss you Ni. Don't you miss us? Probably not, but that day ten years ago is a day I regret, I wasn't trying to hurt you, I was just caught up in everything and I couldn't take not being with you, so I let my lust take over. I was stupid and I'm sorry. I left you some chocolate and champagne hoping that can make up for some of the shit I have done. I did the roses and candles because, well, I actually don't know why, it just seemed nice and I thought you might like it. I won't try anything and I promise you that. ~ Love Z." 

I couldn't believe the words I was reading. My eyes watered slightly at how emotional it was, but I suppressed the urge to cry, and handed the note to Niall when I was done reading. He read the note in a few minutes and he sulked. The entire note was handwritten, and there was a lot of words there, and they even had to write some on the back of the note card. 

"Guys, I'm going to sleep here for the night. Don't try and argue with me about it, nothing will happen and if something does happen I will just scream. Go to your room and scope it out, I'll be fine." he ranted. I listened to Niall and agreed. He can handle himself, and if he does need us he can just scream like he said. Harry was reluctant 

I grabbed his hand and squeezed, letting him know that Niall would be alright and to let it go. He sighed and nodded. I hugged Niall and rubbed his arms, walking back to in front of our room waiting for Harry. He came over shortly, and told me to wait out in the hallway while he looked around the room. It took a good 15 minutes of just standing there, but he did finally come back and said there was nothing there. He looked in every corner and every given space in the room, and nothing was out of place. 

We walked in hand and hand, and sat down on the bed. I thought I forgot to close the door, but Harry had already did it, so hopefully we were now alone. Harry scooted closer to me and turned to face me slightly. I turned my head to see what he was doing, only to see him staring at me. 

I looked down and blushed, but he wasn't having it. He pulled my chin up with two of his fingers, forcing me to look at him. He leaned down and crashed his lips onto mine and moved them against mine in a rush. "Can't get enough." he muttered against my lips. 

I smiled into it, and he gently pushed me back so I was laying down while we kissed. He climbed on top of me and straddled my waist. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him closer, my fingers tugging at his curls. 

I giggled as he let out an unexpected moan, and he pulled away slightly. "May as well make use of the ambiance and bed." he smirked. I shook my head and pulled him back down to kiss me again. 

Though, we didn't know what was going on in the other room, or that we were being watched.....



Any wayyyyyy I have more news on the boy I like. Sooooo we got yearbooks today and well I had him sign mine and I signed his, and he wrote the funniest thing. SInce I did talent show he wrote a line of the song and signed it with 'have a swagalicious summer' and his name. I died inside and I couldn't stop smiling. It's bad guys, I really like him. 

ANYWAYYYYY yeah so I'm back and activce again and tomorrow is the last day of school so the updates will be coming more often! 

Until next time remember to..................




~ Melina

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