Chapter 22

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(Melina's POV)

Oh how I wish things could have stayed as peaceful as they were, if only that was possible. Harry and I were cuddling in bed and Louis was showering, the TV was going but it was just for background noise. Harry was tracing random patterns on my face and my eyes were closed due to how soothing it was. Harry's movements stopped randomly and I opened my eyes slowly seeing him watch my face carefully, smiling when my gaze locked with his. He dipped his head down the slightest bit so that his lips were now just ghosting over mine. 

He looked at me once me and then reached down all the way, closing the gap and capturing my lips between his, them interlocking. I smiled slightly into the kiss, loving this feeling. Though, in the middle of us just giving each other soft kisses the door flew open and I looked over and saw a not too happy Liam standing in the doorway pissed off. 

Shit shit shit shit. Oh god I'm so screwed!

"What in sane hell is going on here?" he growled. Harry got off the bed and put his back against a wall with his hands raised slightly.I sat up slowly in bed and steadied myself, preparing for an attack of some sort.

"N-Nothing is going on, we were just resting." I sputtered out. 

"Resting? That didn't look like resting to me." he scoffed. I gulped and wiped my clammy hands on the sheets. 

"I-I I'm sorry, please. I'll go with you, c'mon let's go." I mumbled getting up and walking over to him grabbing his hand and slowly leading him away from Harry. I managed to get him into the living room and have him sit down. I glanced over at him and he didn't have any emotion on his face, it was like he wasn't mentally here, he was in his own little world. 

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it, finally getting his attention. Surprisingly there wasn't a hint of anger on his face or in his body language, which I was definitely happy about.

"What were you guys doing? Please be honest and don't make me hurt you." he begged.

"Well, I uh, spent the night in their room but Harry only held me then we ate breakfast this morning and cuddled while Louis was in the shower, and Harry was just kissing me but I was kissing him back so it's not his fault." I said all in one breath. Liam nodded his head and sighed. I looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to start yelling at me or something, but he didn't. Nothing came. 

"I'm going to pretend like I didn't see that. I'm really sorry that I flipped out last night and pulled Niall into. I kind of learned my lesson with doing that from Zayn..." he trailed off. I wasn't completely sure if he wanted to talk about it or not but I rested my hand on his knee and rubbed it, trying to comfort him.

"W-Want to talk about it?" I asked carefully. He leaned over and rested his head on my shoulder, shrugging. 

I laid down on the couch and pulled him down with me so that he was slightly on top of me. It was an odd position but he seemed comfy and more secure so I didn't object. I ran my hand through his hair and he sighed playing with the hem of my shirt with him fingers. He cuddled into me and sniffled. Oh god. Please no tears.

"He uh, you know." Liam said stiffly. Wait, so Zayn raped Liam? What the hell?

"The 'r' word?" I asked and he nodded putting his head on my chest and closing his eyes so tight like he was trying to escape. I held onto him and 'shh'ed him, trying to get him to calm down the slightest bit. After a minute or so he opened his eyes and just laid there on me, and I didn't really mind. He needed someone right now and no matter how much messed up shit has happened he still deserves something. 

We stayed like that for a little while but not everything lasts forever. Lunchtime rolled around and I had to make food for everyone, and through the entire time Liam was at my hip and even helped me out with making food which I was grateful for. After 10 minutes of making an arrangement of sandwiches I went to get everyone while Liam stayed in the kitchen. Harry and Louis weren't talking when I walked in, both of them watching TV. They went out at the mention at food and then when it came to Niall's room I knocked and waited for someone to answer the door rather than just going straight in. 

I waited at the door for a couple seconds before knocking harder and this time there was a response. Zayn opened the door shirtless with a pair of sweatpants sagging a little low for my taste, 

"What do you want?" he huffed.

"Um, lunch is ready." I whispered. He nodded and shooed me away. I went back out into the kitchen and joined Liam and Louis who were eating and Harry who was waiting there patiently. I let my hand brush along Harry's back and he smiled at me when he noticed it was me he touched him. Liam pulled me over to where he was and sat me on his lap resting an arm over my waist to keep my from slipping off. He continued to eat his sandwich and when he was done he asked me quietly which one I wanted and I pointed to a Turkey sandwich. He gave it to me happily, but the only downside was that we had to share a drink, but there was only so much he could do with me sitting on his lap. 

Louis refused to let Harry until he was full and went back into his room, not even waiting for Harry to eat. He sighed to himself and grabbed a couple sandwiches and went in the fridge to get a bottle of water. He sat down across from Liam and I and kept his head down not daring to look up meet one of our gazes. In the middle of the awkward silence someone walked in, I looked up and saw Zayn with a very frightened Niall behind him. Liam noticed the new presence also and when he looked up and caught Zayn's stare he dropped his food and latched both his arms around my waist. 

Liam buried his head in the crook of my neck, trying to calm himself. Clearly it wasn't working because I could feel his uneven breathing on my neck. I grabbed one of his hands under the table with one of my own and continued to eat with my free hand. He squeezed my hand and I did it back trying to reassure him, but I don't think it was working. (A/N: READ A/N AT END! IMPORTANT)

I finished up around the same time Harry did which was only a few minutes after Zayn sat down to eat. Did I mention that Zayn just had to sit down next to Liam so let's just say that my hand was numb by the time we got up and went into the living room. Liam refused to let go of me, and pulled me back into his lap when we sat down on the couch and was trying really hard to keep himself together. 


Guys this story is starting to drag on and I hate it, so this book will be ending in mayne 1 or 2 chapters then an epilogue! PLEASE LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THINK IS GOING TO HAPPEN! 

Remember when I said this book was going to end with a bang, well I wasn't kidding! It's definitely going to shock a lot of you! I reached 3K reads a couple days ago and I nearly died like wow. 

You guys are literally amazing and I love that you guys give me  feedback on my stories and I absolutely when you guys comment! It's not a bad thing to do! Even if you comment something irrelevant to the book like a joke or something I won't mind!

But yeah, I've gotta go do my English essay now so wish my luck and not to die of boredom! Love youuuuu.

Until next time remember to.............




~ Melina

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