Chapter 8

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A/N: Lol I loved writing the mom's day


Levi's POV

5 years later...

My beautiful daughter had just completed her 5th anniversary and she seemed very happy. She invited Sophie (her best friend), Martha (her cousin), Lara and Luna, and many more children she was friends with. She seemed so so happy, I just stayed there watching with Eren holding me.

Eren was still hot as hell, and me.... I stopped growing ages ago. Whatever, Eren loves me and my small stature. I mean. I'm an Omega I'm supposed to be the submissive one in bed.

Well, Martha and Lena are very good friends, same for Lara, Sophie and Luna. They are always playing around and watching the soldiers walk around. I always get worried when they go follow a soldier. They hate the children that were born by titan shifters. They call them monsters, but Lena doesn't understand the real meaning behind those words. I never knew Erwin was going to be forced to do that...

Three months after...

Lena, Martha, Luna and the other titan shifter children were locked in a cell, by the Military Police. Erwin had no power over the judge. I was so worried, I didn't even sleep. Lena was the first one to go to judging. The room was just like when Eren was beaten the crap of. She was locked at the same place and multiple looks of disgust were seen.

"So, what's your name. Full name." The judge said. Lena was trembling.

"Lena Yeager Ackerman." She said. She proudly looked up to the judge like she was saying 'I'm a fucking Ackerman bitch, now what?!'.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"Five years and three months." She answered.

"You are a monster!!" A priest shouted. Her eyes widened.

"What do you mean I'm a monster?! The ones who say that are the real monsters!" She shout. She clearly herded Eren's stubbornness.

"Have you ever bitten your own hand?" The judge asked. He was asking if she had ever transformed.

"No...?" Lena was clearly confused.

"I propose that she gets tested. Same for the other children." He said, and set the judging done. He didn't even want to see the other children. I hated him so much.

One month and a half later...

When I saw how they were going to transform I was just about to punch someone. We were out of the fucking walls and the children were three meters away from each other.

Hange said that when she whistled they needed to bite themselves.

When she bit herself (she was the first one) a huge explosion came and then, in a cloud of steam, a 15 meter female titan appeared. She had a double jaw with pointy teeth, and her body was just like Annie's titan. I was so surprised I totally forgot the other soldiers. They were terrified. Then, Martha bit herself and a 15 meter female Titan appeared too. She had normal lips and her body was just like Annie's titan, but with skin.

Rodrigo transformed into a 45 meter titan. He was colossal. He had an armour and he was just like Berthold's titan. Then, Luna bit herself. Nothing happened. Same with Lara. When Mike bit himself a 5 meter titan (like Ymir's) appeared and he was a little bit different. He had blond hair but still kept the pointy teeth (like Ymir).

The soldiers, just like the parents, were shocked. I felt kinda ashamed. If I hadn't injected the titan liquid when Kenny gave it to me, all this would've happened. But no. If I hadn't injected it, Lena wouldn't be in this world, and I love her, just like Eren does.

Eren's POV

10 months later..

Lena finally got accepted into a school. A lot of schools rejected her because of her titan powers. Same happened with the other children. Well, in that school they had something called 'Mom's day' which are basically some days when student's mothers go to school and answer some questions. Levi was just about to refuse but Lena used her adorable puppy eyes, and Levi was forced to go.

Mom's day

When Levi got there he didn't understand where the classes were, so he simply followed Lena to her classroom. The teacher knew about the titan shifter thing, since she was a science teacher. She welcomed Levi there and explained why Levi was a man and not a woman, to the children the best she could, excluding inappropriate or confusing details. The children were amazed and loved to meet a real Omega to the class.

"This is my daddy! He's Humanity's strongest! He's killed maybe a bazillion titans! He doesn't like mess, brats and he talks about poop a lot." Lena said. When she meant 'poop' she meant that Levi says 'shit' a lot.

"I'm Levi. Questions?" He asked.

"Your haircut is nice." One of the kids said.

"That's not a question but you're alright." Levi answered.

"How's your husband?" Another kid asked.

"Crazy, filthy and smarter than all of you." Levi said.

"Do you love him?" The kid asked again.

"Of course I do. Next question." He said.

"Why do you wear a bib?" A girl asked.

"It's called a cravat, you uncultured swine. Next." He said.

"Why are you so short?" The girl asked again.

"You are a piece of shit, that's why. Next." He growled.

"My dad says you are a prostitute." A little boy (who obviously had no idea what 'prostitute' was) said.

"Did your dad trade his brains for magic beans?" Levi coldly asked.

"Is it true that you are so small that titans don't even notice you, that's why you survived for so long?!" A smart-ass boy asked.

"Kid, if I can kill three titans in a row, imagine what I could do to you." Levi said.

Meanwhile, in John's classroom..

"This is my mom! She kills and works with titans!!" John, who obviously herded her way of being, said.

"Hey kids!! Wanna see something amazing??" She asked and pulled out a chopped titan's head while all the children screamed and she laughed with John.

Some time laterrr...

The parents realized they had all been banned from Mom's day.

"Nailed it." Levi said to me, when he got home. I just gotta wait for Father's day.

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