III. The Calm Before The Storm

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Chapter Three

Olivia knew where they were going before they even got there. Olivia knew when they reached. She knew this house and all the wealth of nature surrounding it. The gigantic mansion her mother inherited from her grandmother was nothing less of majestic. And that was most likely an understatement. The entire building was deemed "priceless" with all its precious stones and rich furnishes. It was family property, inherited by generations of Kilts. Her mother inherited because her brother had died in some tragic accident. Olivia always thought it was sad since she never got to meet her uncle. He barely had a pictures since he died so young. But from the baby pictures she saw, he was a red headed fair skinned boy. With an absolutely adorable dimple in his left cheek.

"So why do we have to hear the will at the most beautiful house I believe my mother ever owned..." She paused and he cocked his head at that. "And absolutely hated?"

"Why would you say that?" He inquired and Liv gave him her best 'really' expression with eyebrows raised and a deadpan look.

"The woman has only spent a few hours in the house and that was because she just came here to annoy me before she checked into a hotel," Gavin lifted an eyebrow at her, his way of asking her how she knew that. "As I said, she came to New York to annoy me. The hotel was just three blocks from my apartment building."

He scratched the slight stubble on his jaw. Olivia raised her eyebrows at that. She didn't understand how she missed that peppering of hair along his jaw. Something was stressing him out. Was it this? It was the first time in ages Liv had saw him with a stubble. No matter how subtle it may be.

This had to be more serious than she thought. The vehicle comes to a stop at the foot of steps with golden  designs carved into the gems that built the steps, made centuries before. Yep, she is from some really rich old money that didn't spare any expense in building a family home in the states.

Gav helped her out, his expression unreadable and Liv decided to put her guard up as well. She still didn't know what could be so serious about reading a will. If her mother left her little to nothing, she wouldn't be surprised. The woman may have claimed she loved her, but she knew her mother to be a good actress. The problem with that, she didn't know when she was lying or not. Even if she was being sincere, Liv still found it hard to believe anything.

With a death grip on Gav's arm, Olivia greeted the guards at the door and they nodded in turn. One of their faces were familiar from a year back and she remembered interviewing him herself. Her mother wanted the extra precaution. The thing was she didn't think he knew he was in an interview. She thought that was a good thing through and through. Nothing like finding about someone more when they feel less threatened.

Walking inside, Olivia felt the same euphoria that hit her the last time she was here some years ago. It was huge and grand with everything golden, white and sparkling.

"The upkeep for this place is good," was all Gavin commented and Liv turned to him with shock, almost making the mistake of letting him go. "What?"

"That's all you have to say about such art and beauty?" she asked, her voice going up a notch higher in disbelief. "Even if this place was laden with dust it would be magnificent."

"I agree, it seems to have a boundless beauty," he answered with a nod. "But the maintenance is necessary all the same and it's going to be pretty expensive."

Olivia simply nodded. "That's a problem for whoever gets this place," she remarked as they made their way to the downstairs study. Gavin opened the door for them and she stepped through to see their family lawyer, mainly her mother's. He sat there with a sleek leather folder in hand. Olivia frowned. "Where's everyone else?"

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