XII. Texas Baby!

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Chapter Twelve

Liv rolled her eyes at the infuriating man as he stood there with his face a mask of stone. Whatever.

"Don't roll your eyes at me," he snapped and she glared back at him, folding her arms across her chest to prove her defiance. But that plan kinda backfired since his eyes dropped to her now more generous cleavage and her body immediately responded in the most horrible way. He seemed to notice as his eyes lifted to her face which she quickly turned away as she felt her face heated. Why wasn't she wearing a fvcking bra? Oh yeah, she almost forgot that he woke her out of bed at exactly three hours after midnight. Bastard. Didn't he think she needed her beauty sleep? "Olivia-"


She didn't know how she managed to choke out the word without revealing any emotion. Dropping her hands to her sides, she sighed as her fingers dug into the leather couch. But the man was either deaf or retarded as he stepped closer.

"Olivia." It was now obvious he wasn't gonna back down in this, she could almost feel his rigid stance over her. Looking up, she met those eyes of deep deep secrets. But they weren't the only thing drowning her in his eyes. There was more to this man, do much more. And he desired her.


"You can't possibly think I am safe in your home-"

"This is not my home," he practically growled. Olivia really wanted to roll her eyes at this infuriating man, but doing so might get her a response she didn't like. "Nowhere has been my home."

"Well, you brought me here, so how was I supposed to know that," this time she did unconsciously roll her eyes at him. A move that gained her a deep frown. "Why don't you just bring me back home and send me the divorce papers later, huh? I mean, this bright idea you had of bringing me here isn't gonna work out. I have a life you know."

"You can't stay here by yourself," he spoke lowly, almost as if he was speaking to himself. Liv shrugged.

"I have a home, Mr. Santiago," she reminded him once more. "I'll be safe there."

He shook his head as he paced and Liv leaned back to observe him without being caught staring. A man of power, all that and more. Those broad shoulders, calculated strides, bulging biceps in a loose t shirt, pants that held on to his butt like gloves, messy hair that looked so soft. Gush. Liv had to take a deep breath in from the overload. She didn't need to look at his face to know he was more than handsome. How was he not gay? If it wasn't for his five o'clock shadow, his features could be described as beautiful and a little girlie. But those harsh lines, probably from years of criminal activity she knew was in his line of work, changed the masterpiece to a more dangerous and even a bit scary look. Ha! No wonder he was so cocky. Girls must really dig him. Or so her coworker would say. Shít! She had a job...two to be exact.

"Plus I need to get back to work before anything becomes suspicious-"

"No," his voice was like thunder now as he stood in front of her. Feeling intimidated by this giant, she stood up to face him head on although she still had to look up at him. Damn giant! She was tall! Taller than the average man. There was never anything average about this man. But how about a penis! All men had that which made him average...she was now second guessing that. Maybe he wasn't. "Eyes up here, mio caro. In case you haven't realized, we're married. You're Mrs. Santiago... And there are enemies that my family has so it is my job to keep you safe. You're mine."

Clearing her throat, her face red from being caught almost ogling his southern regions, she folded her hands and huffed. Defiance set in stone on her face.

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