IX. An Illusion

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Chapter Nine

Things were good, Olivia thought as they went downstairs and down a hall. It was all going as planned.

Olivia didn't even notice the beautiful and expensive decor around her as they went further down the hall. This would all soon be over. He would get his money and she would be back to her life, a lot richer but she still back to her life. As long as he wasn't in it. Suddenly, a wave of depression that sound dampened her mood came over her at that thought. Clearing her head, she shook it harder than necessary causing her to feel a little woosy after.

"Are you done?" His deep timber tampered with her thoughts, her gaze easily spotting his deep blue ones that shone in the fairly dark hall. They were standing in front of some large intricate designed double doors. It looked quite ancient yet rich. She would have never guessed they had something this hold here judging by the hotel's efforts in making everything else looking clean, sleek and modern. Even though his tone suggested it, she detected no sign of annoyance in his eyes. Instead she saw something that made her not fear being in a lonely hallway with no doubt a drug cartel. He cocked his head at her and held her Hand, his eyes completely melting all thoughts in her mind to nothing. "Or is there something you aren't telling me?"

Liv found herself scrambling for a quick reply. "There is a lot I am not telling you." Her voice came out strong and sure, even a little witty. Usually she would end that with a loft of an eyebrow but she wasn't going to push it.

"Well isn't that something," he grins and Olivia felt her heart soar at the sight. Why was he so good-looking? And why the hell wasn't she immune to it by now? She added that all up to not being able to get enough of him, which was oh-so-very wrong. Very wrong. Yet why couldn't remember why it was wrong? "I'll dance it out of you then."

"Wait...what? I think you have mistaken, I cannot-" she was cut from her protest when he opened the door and the cheers were almost deafening. They didn't leave? For a moment that puzzled her until she remembered the tradition of a reception after the wedding, almost like an after party. This was all common knowledge yet it took her a while to retrieve. This man really shook her up. A sure sign he was to be kept at a distance. She smiled at the irony of such a thing. He was her husband. That gave her pause.

He was her husband.

This criminal.

Was her husband.

She was the wife of a criminal.

"Let's give it up for the bride and groom," more screams and the place got impossibly louder with the music now playing high. "Mr and Mrs Santiago!"

Seth spun her around, her dress feeling lighter in the slight breeze of the twirl. She laughed at the little display, the act almost unconscious as the crowd cheered continuously. He caught her in his arms, their bodies almost an exact fit if she didn't push away, feeling her heart pound another beat she was pretty sure he heard. She was distracted quickly by the grab of hands and excited shrieks, pulling her away from the enigma which was now her husband. He didn't give her the chance to be dragged away from him though as he held onto her hand, pulling her through the sea of people to the seats on a long table up on a platform. There sat was the short plump lady and a man of tall statue, staring at her with eyes that seemed darker than the night, his Roman nose and chiseled jaw adding up to an handsome fellow even with the silver of grey hair and the obvious lines imprinted in his face. Probably from scowling all the time. But it was clear the age had been kind to him, most likely older than the years she perceived to be of a decade her senior.

He looked awfully familiar though and that was when her attention was snagged by the man holding her arm as he helped her up to their chairs, nodding to the man and his mother. That was realization dawned that this older man was actually his father. She should have known, especially with the almost uncanny facial expressions between the two and their obvious tall and imposing built.

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