VII. Mine

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Chapter Seven

His mother stared at her as if she had the zombie disease that would cause the apocalypse. Liv stared back, before focusing on her shoes. Her feet were covered. Thank goodness! But they were now in torturing machines. She wasn't a terrible walker in moderate heels, but put her in six inches and she was contemplating if it was worth the embarrassment to fall on the aisle when heading to the altar or stabbing herself with the heels. Her mother's lessons as a kid didn't prepare her for this.

Olivia bent down, wobbling on the way but managed, to take off the shoes. The stabbing self with heels was it for her. Yeah, it was a no brainer.

"Okay, shorter heels will work," his mother informed her, grabbing the heels from her before she could stab herself with them. His mother, quite shorter than she was a hour ago, the feeling of intimidation lessened considerably. But she still had those powerful strides for such a little lady. No doubt her son got that easy confidence from her. Although it seemed bordering on cocky when he did it. "How did my son get you roped into marrying him? You don't strike me as a whore or someone from this side of the law."

"You know what he does, right?" Liv asked and the shorter woman gives her an incredulous look as the other two younger women in the room fuss over her to be seated so they could put on the shorter heels. It seemed they were ignoring their conversation. Liv could see that his mother was one that was highly respected.

"He is my son. Of course I do," she then looks Liv up and down as she stands up once more in the more comfortable shoes. They didn't look any less expensive though. "Which is why it puzzles me why someone as oblivious as you is mixed up with him?"

"Well, there you have your answer," Liv told her with a nod at the same time the two girls stared at her in awe. His mother's only reaction was a lift of her brow. Liv turned her back to them as she lifted the dress to sit down.

"Oh no," one of the girls shook their head, helping her to get up. "The wedding will be starting in the next-"

"Minute!" The other girl exclaimed staring at her watch and they were on her in a second.

Liz felt disoriented as she was ushered out and down the stairs which was more difficult to do than she thought. And this was the reason she didn't wear heels. Or rather among the many reasons she never did.

They finally stood outside two double large wooden doors, carved with designs she have seen only on ancient churches and museums. It hypnotized her. She stepped off to touch the door when his mother moved between her and the door. Placing her hands on Liv's shoulders, she forced her to take a few steps back.

"There we go," his mother then smiled up at her and the next thing Liv knew, she was grasping a bouquet of flowers between her two hands. Suddenly she missed her mother. Her mother would be ecstatic to see her now. Of course, she wouldn't be happy of the rush and lack of extravagance. But then again, it was all her fault she was here.

Her mother must be laughing in the grave. The Devil herself. Who said the Devil had to be a man?

"Deep breaths, Liv," his mother commanded and she stopped breathing all together, halting in her tracks. The two girls made a sound of frustration; in between a grunt and a sigh. She was then in front of her, hands on both shoulders. "Don't think about it. Just keep walking."

Liv nodded after finally releasing her breath. For a moment, Liv saw the empathy in her eyes and she wondered if she was exactly where she was now, about to marry a man that she only knew to be a drug lord and who assumed she owned him a debt. Olivia blinked at that thought, the same time his mother nodded back before stepping down from the stairs she stood on to reach Olivia's height.

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