XVIII. Things Change

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Chapter Eighteen

Olivia was fascinated. The scientist in her revelling in the new environment. The clatter, the buzzing sound of conversations, the bustle of vehicles passing by and the heavily humid air.


Olivia had never been here before. Well, she had been to a lot of places with both her mom and dad. But never here. And she could see why.

It was too colourful, too noisy and most importantly, too traditional.

Not much in terms of class besides from the hotel they were staying at.

And she loved it!

It excites her and as far as she could see, nothing was as she expected. Not much anyway.

This brought a smile upon her lips as she stopped by another vendor stall, looking at the collection of handcrafted jewellery.

Seth took another picture, this time without the flash, but she knew every time he took a snap of her. She turned to glare at him. She was still waiting on the moment the lens would crack.

He took a picture of that also.

Olivia was totally not a model. At least not a supermodel.

She knew this.

He knew this.

And that was why she couldn't come up with a plausible reason for why he was taking so many pictures of her anyway. Maybe he planned to use them in some type of blackmail.

She shook her head at that. Olivia really knew she was not looking her best, not with such a greasy face and frizzy hair, but she wouldn't die if the world saw it.

He must plan to laugh at them after. Now that was a bit more sensible.

To laugh at later. Hmmmm...that wasn't too bad. However, she shook her head at that as she swore to herself that she would get to steal the camera from him and maybe get some shots of him too. Not such a bad idea.

"Please tell me you are going to delete those after," she told him before her eyes took set on a pair of bracelets. They were so adorable. They were not diamonds or any special stones, but had cream coloured crystals tied to adjustable strings. They were nothing like she had seen before.


She turned to frown at him.

Olivia cocked an eyebrow at that. She was supposed to be upset at him. But why couldn't she be fully angry at him?

What were they even talking about? She lost her train of thought right there, looking up at this man who had his head cocked at her also.

Green eyes sparkled up at him as he looked down at the only girl who he would ever call his wife. Yep, he wasn't going to let her go. Not for long anyway.

He still had a lot to sort out. But he was going to be clean. One of these days. Maybe.

He let out a sigh as he turned to the bracelets he saw her eyeing, she smiled up at him with a shrug. The vendor was watching them keenly.

"¿cuánto cuestan?" He nodded towards the bracelets, not really paying attention to Olivia as she took the camera from him.

Liv grinned as she managed to finally get control of the camera. Now she could see why he couldn't stop taking pictures. It was impulsive. And oh so addicting as she herself found it difficult to not take a picture of everything. Especially him. A whole lot of him.

"Gracias," he nodded to the man as he turned to her with the set of bracelets in his hand. The man grinned, revealing his dentures.

Olivia hid her smile behind the camera at Seth's reaction as he schooled his expression. He then turned to her, gesturing to her wrist.

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