XV. "Normal"

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Chapter Fifteen

Olivia was enjoying the special treatment of flying on a private jet. No cramped spaces, no elbows fighting for the armrest, no annoying kid kicking at the back of her seat. But most importantly, there was the exotic food and even more exotic massages. Or maybe it was just the champagne. A giggle was trying to burst forth from all the giddiness she was feeling.

A bit too much in fact as she soon felt herself dosing away, falling asleep whilst basking in what was utter bliss. She couldn't tell when she indulged like this before. Such luxuries. She could now understand why people fought, killed and lost their humanity for this. Wait...she couldn't, but this was nice. Ha! More than nice.

"Excuse me, miss," slowly, Olivia turned her to the side as she blinked the sleepiness in her eyes. She tried to scowl her features before they became deadly. As much as she rarely slept, she always managed to be in a bad mood when she awakes. Thank goodness she lived by herself. The only one to really see her foul mood was always her lawyer. Shìt Gavin! Didn't she need to call that savage, loyal and old man? He would probably be worried.

"Your husband has requested your presence in the bedchambers," the quite tall brunette stated and Liv glanced at the masseuse behind her who stopped working immediately. So much for enjoyment. Now she had a kink in her neck. Nodding, Liv wrapped the towel around her before getting up. Groggily, she decided against meeting the fùcker people kept calling her husband. So what if he was the one paying for everything here? She had money. Loads of it. Heck, she was even giving him money. Not too long ago, she saw the transaction take place from her account to his. Fvcking bastard thought he could push her. She would teach him. Who says bedchamber in modern day anyway?

Dragging herself to the bathroom, she firmly locked the door before spreading another towel in the bathtub and lying down in it. It was big enough to have her comfortably resting with another towel acting as a blanket. If he really needed to talk to her, he would come see her himself. Although the matter of the vague request didn't say anything about talking, she just wasn't in the mood to see his face any at all. She still had her reserve about him with that trip to Texas, like who knew he was so unpredictable? Weren't these druglords supposed to be predictable? Like in every show she watched that involved them? Although, to be fair, she didn't really watch much of those shows.

Placing her clasp hands under her head, Liv found peace in the silence, in her own nudity. Crap! For the first time in her life, she was going to sleep naked.

Fvcking naked.

Her muscles were relaxed and she didn't need that son of a bastard to make her tense up again. She needed this relaxation. There couldn't be any harm in making him wait, right? Her thoughts ran to work, but she would be back soon. She needed to be. This couldn't continue like this. Later she would form a plan of some sorts. Maybe this would be the deciding factor to let her head home again. Sighing, she thought of how differently things have actually turned out. Why couldn't they just marry and depart ways? Not like she wanted to know him or he, her. Another sigh and she was at the brink of sleep, devling deeper in her makeshift bed.

Then there was a small patter before she felt a droplet on her face. Not a large one, but one nonetheless. Thinking it was probably just her imagination, Olivia shifted to her side as she thought of Mexico and its colourful heritage. Maybe a honeymoon wouldn't be too bad. It was strangely calming. One last memory of that bastard before heading straight home. She was still confused about why he kept her with him for so long anyway. This was not in their arrangement.

Another drop. This time followed by another fat one.

Covering herself properly with the towel, she refused to be interrupted. Grumbling, she managed to only cover her head and leave her feet out of the blanket. Another grumble and shifting before she decided upon just laying down on her back. But then she felt wetness soaking through the towels wrapped around her.

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