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IT was Christmas eve and Ponyboy Curtis is working for Darry Scrooge at his book keeping office Scrooge and Randle. Ponyboy sits counting down the time until he go home  and be with his friends Johnny and Dally. His best friend Johnny who was badly burnt in a fire at the old church when they saved the lives of some children a long time ago. and now Johnny was very sick and needed a doctor but they didn't have the money that they needed for Johnny to see a doctor. Ponyboy looked at the clock" ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one."  And then   Darry  Scrooge called " PONYBOY CURTIS!" Ponyboy dropped his head and said " oh crap what does he want now?" Darry  said "Mr. Curtis you have to work until 6:30 pm so don't think that your are going to get off early today. I am going to the exchange and I know that you want all day off tomorrow right" Ponyboy said " yes I would like that if it is all right and fair to you Sr." Darry said " no it is not okay and fair. I pay you a days pay for no work if I was to cut your pay you would not think that it was not fair. but you do not think of it not being fair to me. be here early the next day." Ponyboy said "I will Sr. and thank you so much and Merry Christmas Sr." Darry Scrooge just said " Christmas humbug it is nothing but a bunch of crap and just a waste of money." Later that day Darry Scrooge was stopped by Bob and Randy who was trying to raise money to help the poor. Bob said Mr. Darry Scrooge Am I right? Darry said " yes you are right" Bob said " you don't know us." And Darry said " and I do not want to know you." And Bob said " I am Bob and this is Randy and we are raising money for the poor to give them a helping hand and food warmth for Christmas." so what can we put you down for?

And Darry said " put me down for nothing" And Randy said " but the poor needs our help more then ever on Christmas time." And Darry said " the poor can go to the poor houses I pay taxes for them so the can just go there." Randy said " many can't go there and would die before going there." And Darry said " if they would die maybe they should just do so and cut down the poor." Later when Darry Scrooge was at his home he heard someone call his name. And was that the ghost of his friend and partner Steve Randle standing in front of him all in chains. Darry said " what do you want with me? Steve said " much. ask me who I was". Darry said who are you then?" Steve said " in life I was your partner Steve Randle" you don't believe in me do you?" what prof do you have of me past your senses?" why do you doubt your senses?" And Darry said " because a little things bothers them. some bad meat a part of an uncooked potato or a drop of mustard." there is more gravy then grave about you. humbug I tell you humbug." Then Steve screamed out and Darry got behind his char. and said" I do I must."  you are chained why? " Steve said " I wear the chain that I made in life I made it link by link and yard by yard. in life man's sprit has to go out among his fellow man but my sprit never went out among my fellow man my sprit never passed the limes of our money changing hole. do you know the weight and link of the strong chain that you carry your self it as full and as long as this several Christmas eves ago?" Darry said " I see no chain." Steve your's are unseen as mine was until the day of my death. Darry said " speak to me Steve speak some comfort to me." Steve said " I have none to give but I have come to give you a chance in hope." I was sent to tell that tonight you will be visited by three sprits" Darry said is that the chance in hope that you told me about?  Steve  said " it is" Darry said then I don't want to. Steve said " look for the first when the clock stakes one look for the second when the clock stakes two and third should come in his own good time. after Steve was gone Darry lay in his bed and heard the clock stake one. the ghost of Christmas past took Darry back to his past. the ghost of Christmas present took Darry the home of his over work and under paid worker Ponyboy Curtis. they was having Christmas dinner and Ponyboy said " let us give thanks to God and to Mr. Darry Scrooge" and his friend Dally sat down in his chair. and said " why should we give thanks to a mean and unfeeling man like Mr. Darry Scrooge? and Ponyboy said " Dally it is Christmas day please have some kindness for Johnny" Dally said " okay I 'll have some kindness for you and for Johnny and for the day. " Darry looked  at Johnny asked and what is wrong with him?" the ghost of Christmas present said " I see a chair at this table with out an owner and a book with out  a writer." Darry said " no you are wrong." the ghost of Christmas present said if these things go unchanged in the future he will die and none of us will find him here. but if he is to die then let him die and cut down on the poor." Darry said  " you are using my words against me" the ghost of Christmas present said" from now on you will keep your mouth shut until you know what the poor is and where it is. because it very well maybe in the sight of heaven you are less fit to live then millons like that poor boy's best friend. after the ghost of Christmas present was gone. Darry Scrooge found himself face to face with the ghost of Christmas future. who showed him how much sadness now filled  Ponyboy Curtis's home    from him and Dally because their  dear friend Johnny  had died. And then Dally said " he was so sweet and kind and he had a heart of gold so when we remember these things about Johnny we will not fight with each other." The ghost of Christmas future took Darry Scrooge to the grave yard. and showed him a grave. And Darry Scooge wiped away the snow he saw his name on the stone. He from then on he would change. He told Bob and Randy that he would give to the poor. He saw Two bit Mathews and Sodapop Curtis  and asked them the store on the next street he asked them to get the big prize turkey and buy it and give it to the house of Ponyboy Curtis and friends in time for Christmas dinner. Sodapop carried the turkey to Ppnyboy's house. Ponyboy said " I didn't buy this." and Sodapop told that it came from a friend. the next Ponyboy was running late to work when he opened the door heard PONYBOY CURTIS. he said yes sr. and Darry asked what time it was. and Ponyboy told him what time it was. and Darry said that was 9:30 am and that he was going to raise his pay and make him his partner and that his friend Johnny would live and get better. and Darry Curtis was better now then before.


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