Dad Jokes

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We're jumping right in guys!
Shiro: Did you hear about the kidnapping?!?

Hunk:*cooking* No what happened?

Shiro: Oh don't worry he woke up

Hunk: Omg

Shiro:*walks up to Pidge* Never spell part backwards.

Pidge:*mildly interesterd*why

Shiro: It's a trap!

Pidge:*slams face onto desk* Stop!

Shiro:*walks over to Keith who is training* Hey Keith there's a new movie called constipation-

Keith:Stop dad!

Shiro: It hasn't even come out yet


Shiro:It hasn't come out yet Keith!

Shiro:*walks up to Lance* Hey son. How do you make a kleenex dance?

Lance:*putting in hair dye*I don't know

Shiro: You put a boogie in it!


Hunk: He's some space goo  salad. I even made some ceaser ranch to go with it!

Shiro:*stabs knife into it* Now's it Ceaser sauce
Everyone: Omg

Pidge: You're so old schooled.

Shiro: I beg to differ! I'm cool! space dad, that's my thang! I'm hip I surf the web,text. LOL- laugh out loud, OMG- oh my g-word, Wtf- why the face.

Pideg: Oh jesus! Omg* starts laughing uncontrollably*

Hunk,Lance:*laugh with her*

Keith: Why is that funny. I didn't even know that. Now's I'm confused though. Lance texted wtf once even though he couldn't see my face and I didn't send any emojis.

Pidge: It means what the fuck dude!

Keith: Oh...well now I feel  stupid

Shiro: Same

Pidge: Wait! You and Lance text! how? Oh my gosh you have to show me!

Hunk: Yas!

Keith:*blushing* We barely do it though. There's nothing to show.

Lance: What! Dude you literally text me every twenty minutes.

Pidge: Oh la la! Yas Hunk go through Keith's room I'll go through Lance's!

Shiro: What about my dad jokes!?

*Everyone else runs out*

Shiro: Well I guess you can say I'm a fraux pa........cause I tell jokes but I don't have kids.....anyone?.......Hello.....Guys.........No....okay bye.

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