Therealdills has logged on
Betterthanu has logged on
Bitchasshair has logged on
ThenamesLance has logged on
Gorgeousman has logged on
Iwillendyou has logged on
Imaprincess has logged onTherealdills: Yay we're all here whoo
Iwillendyou: Boo Lance is here
ThenamesLance: That's Lancelot to you
Bitchasshair: Stop fighting
Betterthanu: Everybody has a cousin
Gorgeousman: who can fix them up with somethin!
Betterthanu: Everybody has a cousin who can fix them up with somethin
Gorgeousman: My cousin, Justin's lookin for a little some'n some'n for a certain someone some girl he wants to be touchin
Bitchasshair: Keep it pg plz
Imaprincess: Ur name literally has a bad word in it
Bitchasshair: Shiro?
Betterthanu: Im done
ThenamesLance: Anyway! What is the point of this again
Therealdills: For us to connect like a family
Bitchasshair: I like families
Iwillendyou: Not enough since u left me brother
Bitchasshair: Whoops
Betterthanu: Wow ur a messed up person
Therealdills: Guys we're supposed to be a family. This isn't how a family works!
ThenamesLance has changed name to Lancelot
Lancelot: Boom Bang Baby!
Iwillendyou: You need to stop
Betterthanu: What Keith said
Lancelot: What's wrong with you?
Lancelot: Keith? Keithy?
Therealdills: Keith!
Betterthanu: Drama queen
Bitchasshair: Keith?
Imaprincess: I have better things to do
Gorgeousman: I will help the princess
Imaprincess:.......I'm not Allura
Iwillendyou: No Keith don't!
Therealdills: :O
Betterthanu: Wow
Lancelot: Keith ur a princess?
Bitchasshair: That was unexpected
Lancelot: what's going on?
Imaprincess: I have Allura's phone. She left it in my room and took mine by accident
Lancelot: why was SHE in YOUR room?
Imaprincess: We were just talking god Lance
Bitchasshair: Keeeeeeeeiiiiiittttthh
Betterthanu: I hope Bendy and Alice kill u both
Therealdills: Poor Lancelot
Lancelot:Thats Lance to u buddy
Therealdills:awww thx
Iwillendyou: We switched back
Lancelot has logged off
Betterthanu has logged off
Bitchasshair has logged off
Therealdills has logged offImaprincess: Paladins?
Gorgeousman: Im confused.....
Iwillendyou: Forget it Coran
Iwillendyou has logged off
Imaprincess has logged off
Gorgeousman has logged off
Voltron Future
HumorThe team is bored so Allura offers to let them see into the future. So they do and they sure are surprised what they find in there! Little do they know that the 'future' is really just Pidge's Crack book!