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Lance's phone
Me: Keeeeeeeef

Keef: What is it Lance?

Me: I'm bored

Keef: Hi bored. I'm Keef

Me: Wtf

Keef: Keith* sorry im sleepy

Me: How?

Keef: It's like fucking two something in the morning!

Me: So?

Keef: Go to sleep

Me:No. Can u come to my room?

Keef: No. But u can come to mine

Me: well aren't u desperate

Keef: u wanted me to come to u

Me: yes keef come to me

Keef: Omg ur so immature

Me:keefy? Keef?

Me:im coming over ok

Keef:hurry im about to fall asleep

3 days l8r
Me: Keef are u ok

Keef: peachy

Me:we'll find him

Keef: promise

Me:yes keef i promise

Keef: good i don't know what'd i do without mothman

Me:could you live without me

Keef: I have in the past. But now.........no

Me:awww you care

Keef: do u

Me: of course

Keef: prove it

Me:right now?


Me: fine. Alright i'll find mothman. Then u can marry him

Keef: yay!

Me: I swear to-

Keef: don't

Keef: anyway pidge and hunk spend a lot of time together, allura and coran are always together, shiro and i train together. Who r u with?

Me: that's not important

Keef: rlly avoiding the question?

Me: we have mothman to find!

Keef: Lance answer me

Keef: Lance don't run away from it. We have to fix this

Lance: just fucking leave it keith

Keef: be that way

1 week l8r
Me: Keef? I'm sorry about last week. Blowing up on u and all. Forgive me?

Keef: leave me alone lance

Me: Keef! I mean it im sorry

Keef:u also meant that im too hot headed for the group and that i can't lead the group efficiently. U said that i should just go back to being that weirdo loner in the back. U said a lot of things lance. And u meant them

Me: Keef no i didn't! I was just mad that ur better than me at everything! Ur mr.fucking perfect and im just the goofball? I try rlly hard keith to be good at something and u fucking always bet me to it.

Keef: im mr fucking perfect? How? What u said a couple days ago says the exact opposite! U can actually talk to ppl. I can't! How is that perfect? If ur tired of being compared against me do something that will make u useful

Me: i tried that but the team just doesn't need me! All u need me for is forming Voltron. What else can i do? I can't cook? I don't know shit about tech, I can't help fly the ship or repair it! All i can do is clean and nobody notices i do it

Keef: becuz ur always flirting with ppl and using the glory to make urself look better. If u try time to train a little more u could pass me, if u asked pidge to help u u could get better at tech, if u followed directions in a cookbook u could help hunk cook.

Me: u think that's all i do? Well its not. I tried everything i could do help the team and u guys just don't need me

Keef: well maybe we don't if u don't even have enough strength to try to get better

Me: r u even listening to me? I do try. U know what fuck u keith

Keef: excuse me? Ur supposed to be apologizing for what u said last week!

Me: what! I did and u didn't except it. What do u want me to do keith? I can't fucking deal with ur shit anymore. Im done. We're done keith

Keef: lance wait

Keef: lance shit im sorry

Keef: lance I know i hurt you but i didn't meam it. I swear

Keef: lance come back

Keef: babe

Keef: shit im sorry! Lance! Lance!

Keef: lance plz im sorry u can hate me all u want but plz don't leave me

Keef: lance i don't know what i'd do without u

Keef: lance stopit plz don't hurt urself

Keef: lance


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