-02- Wilted Roses

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Authors Note:

This may or may not trigger memories of abuse, assault or domestic violence and if it does I'm sorry.

Connecting the yellow wire with the red wire will only quicken the speed of the bomb. Cutting the red wire will temporarily disable it but it will still explode. Whilst the yellow wire will kill you due to the skin to plastic contact. The only way to disable a modern-day bomb is by pressing a button that is strategically hidden from sight, and even that will prove to be a challenge.

If only facing my parents was that easy.

Now I kneel on the Egyptian rug next to my brother, our heads hung low and our hands on our knees. Shame radiates my body for no reason and I hear Cain whimper next me and from the corner of my eye, I see his face. Cain's tough façade had left every inch of his body as soon he heard my mother's voice. In replacement is the brother I have grown up with, his facial structure screwing up in fear.

"How much money did you bring back for us today, children? Let me guess... none?" Our mother cackles, amusement lacing her speech.

I want to say I hate you. I wish you weren't my mother. But I didn't. She knows we don't get paid until next week, so I stay silent and sniffle the snot dripping from my nose when I feel the need to.

Thwack. Cain flinches beside me at the sudden skin to skin contact. I don't register it until I feel a stinging sensation on my cheek. My parents had hit me on random occasions so many times before, that the sting doesn't bother me; instead it is just an uncomfortable feeling that lasts only a few seconds.

Through my lashes I see my father's face -although blank- his eyes expressed his thoughts. He was aware of my reception to the slap, so he gets up, walking closer to me.

With each step he passes, I feel dread and the blood leave my face. Cain knows not to interfere with our father. Standing 6 ft. 4 in., he just towered over Cain's 5 ft. 10 in., and his burly physic didn't help. Last time Cain did try to show dominance, it did not end well. Our father had ended up putting him in the hospital in the brink of death; with the nurses not bothering to tell police because, like always, our parents produced an act any actor would be envious of.

When he woke up, I scolded him for interfering... "Why the fuck did you have to do that Cain? You could've died!"

"Autumn. Stop crying. I'm fine, aren't I? I'll get him next time, I promise."

He sounded so determined back then, so... adamant about destroying our father but he never did meet his actions, I didn't know why but I was glad. I didn't need another sibling dead.

"You little bitch! I asked you a question," whack, my head turns to the side due to the impact but I force myself to keep my hand planted on my thighs and look at the ground below my father. "And I expect you to fucking answer it, you fucking bitch. Or else, your little holes will be fucking filled; with or without your bloody consent" I didn't know when he started gripping my jaw but felt revolted as he started licking my face, I didn't show it; afraid of getting a punishment worse than the mentioned. His breath fanning my neck as he breathed in my scent in response I shiver in disgust, "my you do smell rather delicious darling. Maybe I should just have a taste..."

My face falls. All I can hear was my heartbeat, my breathing uneven. I didn't see everything as my eyes were still blurry from the tears.

As vision clears, all I can see was my father and brother fighting. My mother stands at the end of the hallway with a smirk plastered on her, cheering on my father, "come on babe, show that mongrel who's the boss!" You could hear the grunts and groans of my father but my brother stayed silent. For the first time, my brother was winning and my mother's face now holds a frown.

Looking at the commotion in front of her she notices my presence and then turnes her head; her gaze is set on me and her eyes hold a murderous look.

With her focus on me, she didn't see Cain. Gasping in surprise, Cain tackles her to the ground, not caring that a wall stands behind her or an obvious knife in her jean pocket, the impact almost causing the object to pierce through her petite body. Her head, fortunately, made contact with the wall which took her breath away and she lay still. Underneath Cain and unmoving.

Our father too was unconscious but both were still breathing. Although they had done the most horrid things any human being could do, we still somewhat... care for them? No, we didn't. But we didn't want to carry the guilt that came with killing someone within blood relation.

Looking up I saw my brother standing there, next to our mother. He has a few cuts and bruises on his face but none were severe. Meeting his eyes, we share the same understanding in our black irises, we couldn't stay here.

We had faced a demon tonight, although fighting an actual demon would be easier than this, a complication burrowed itself into our situation, where are we going to go? Sure, Wren or Penelope's house was on offer but we would eventually have to explain why we were there and never at our own home. And even though putting these two in jail was a tempting idea, they knew about the Assassins Organization.

The organization would immediately be shut down because all its members had technically committed murder; the supernatural was also viewed as normal humans in the outside world and the government would be no help.

They knew about us and what we do but this would all catch the media's attention, which the government would most likely deny and avoid causing questions and panic.

Before we do anything else, we both go into our rooms and pack our belongings, which was not a lot, and meet at the kitchen counter. "What are we gonna do know, Autumn? We're practically homeless and you and I both know we can't stay in town,"

"You don't think I know that!" Snapping at him right now was an accident. And one glimpse of his face filles me with even more guilt. Softly I say, "look I'm sorry, okay, I'm just stressed and plus you're the younger brother, aren't I supposed to be looking after you?"

"Yes, I am but as the taller person I am more dominant." I'll give him props for trying to lighten the mood.

I get a piece of paper and pen and write my parents a letter. I tell them about how we are leaving and to not contact the police or we will tell them about the abuse, how they have no evidence on the happenings of tonight and how we will not pay the rent or bills if they do.

Blackmail was not Cain or I's best suit but we try to put as much venom into the letter as we can.

One last long look around the place, we head to the door and leave the hell hole we used to call home.

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