-07- Darkness

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I like sleep. You don't feel anything. Just peace.

That's what happened the first week after the incident. I just slept. We, at first, went to Arkland to heal Tyson but he was soon induced in a coma, in which I had time to think of my relationship with him. The mark on my neck is beautiful. It involves two wolves, one red and one black, howling at the moon together. Although I don't know why it shows two wolves as I am not one but it doesn't change my opinion.

The mark though made me feel things I was not aware I could ever feel. I don't recall the trip from the portal because I was exhausted due to the marking and pained from the emptiness. Let's just say, my arm has more cuts than ever. But the mark I hold has uplifted some of my depression, making me happier in a way.

Cato had informed me that Tysons wound will heal rather quickly; due to him being a werewolf. And that I had to be patient because once out of the coma, he could act very different than how he was acting before. Of course, he couldn't stay in Arkland, questions would arise, so we moved him back to his pack. The other three had stayed behind to catch on their studies, while I stayed in Tysons' house to keep him company. I didn't meet anyone. No-one had visited him. After the first two days of waiting, I just settled for casual clothes instead for my uniform, excluding my mask.

Making my way to the kitchen, I go to make a sandwich to take to Tyson, if ever he would wake up but the sound of a girl squealing then a male groan in Tysons' room distracts me from my current task of making a sandwich. Is he awake? Maybe he's having a bad dream?

As a girl? Really, Autumn? Okay, maybe the chances of him transforming into a female and then back to a male, is slim to impossible. Why am I so curious? I don't care. It's probably his mum, maybe she was busy so she couldn't visit him? But unless he kisses his mother so passionately on the lips while she grinds on him naturally, I don't think it's his mother.

"Ah, finally the nurse is here babe. I'm Camila, this hunks mate. BTW, why is there a hickey on my mate?" Did she just say btw? With my mouth ajar and my mind dumbfounded. She says once again minutes later, while still on my fucking mate, in her high-pitched voice, "um, are you stupid? Or mentally challenged? I asked you a fucking question. LOL,"

"I'm mentally challenged? I'm sorry, why don't you use proper fucking words instead of abbreviations. Honey news flash, it wasn't fucking funny. LOL." To add a cherry on top, I just smile at her. Like a Cheshire cat.

"Ab-abre-abreve... what? Anyways, baby," I could kill her for all the pesky sounds that come out of her mouth, "are you going to let her talk me like that?"

I stare at him, waiting. He wouldn't... choose her, right? She clearly started it and I just told her the truth, whether she may get it or not. "no, I'm not," my world collapses, he gets up and a pain in my neck began but the closeness between us makes it bearable, "look, Amanda or whatever, I don't want a mate," he whispers just close enough for only me to hear then he hit me; a loud smack reverberating throughout the whole room. "Especially one weak enough. You don't think I felt the cuts during my coma," his electric eyes hold no emotion, "I don't want some depressed human hunter leading beside me, raising my pups and waking up beside me every morning only to go to the bathroom to cut. No, that mark was a mistake. I, Tyson King, reject you, Autumn Wanderwood, as Luna and my mate." This time he gets my name correct.

I look at Camila's smirk then back at him from the floor. They were just like my parents, except my parents were not bound to me like Tyson was. "Do me a favor now and just accept the fact that I don't want you," I recall back to my classes with Algar, he once told us to fight and never give up. But I was done. Done with people treating me like shit. "I, Autumn Wanderwood, accept your, Tyson King, rejection to be Luna and your mate." There was no going back now. The deal is set.

Getting up on shaky knees, I feel the pain inside me. The depression I held down, has exposed itself once again. That was just the mental pain. It does not compare to the physical pain I feel. The mark was on fire, making me scratch at it on my way to the door, I can feel the blood being drawn. But he doesn't stop me. He just sits down next to Camila and starts to kiss her. Passionately.

Using my watch, I beep for boss and collapse as I make my way out the door. I don't feel the rocks dig into my legs or the dirt that clings to my skin. The portal shows up in that moment, hidden in the vast number of trees outside. I see Algar walk towards me but I don't make an attempt to get up. In fact, I don't make an attempt to do anything. Algar looks at my current state; crumbled on the floor, tears falling down my cheeks, dirt smudged on my body and my mark bleeding and bruised.

Algar knew. He what Tyson had done. That's what living eras will do, it'll make you experience everything. I think I am the only reason that Algar does not storm into the house right now so he just flips off the window above me. "Come down here and fucking tell me again what you said to Autumn! Come on, you fucking cunt!" His thick Russian accent hard to understand.

Wanting to get out of here, I tug at Algar's wolf coat, "Al, I just want to leave." I don't remember the trip home or the conversations and angry shouts of everyone. I was just a limp mess in Algar's arms. Apparently, Cato, also known as Fate, did not see this coming and had kept informing me that, with his constant apologies.

"Can I just please go to my room? I'm tired." I didn't wait for their answers. I just walk my way through the endless maze of the corridors and make my way up to my room. Staring out of the window, into the moon.

I like the darkness. The isolation. My heart and mind constructed another five billion walls that night as I cried myself into oblivion. I forced myself to not feel anything the next couple days, bottling it all up. It was easy because I felt numb already, my feelings were gone anyways.

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