-06- Waiting For...

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"Why in the world are you wearing that Autumn?!" Her screeching almost deafening my ears.

"Because it's comfortable Wren," her eyes never bulged as hard as it did in that moment, "comfortable. Comfortable! It's in the middle of freaking summer and you're wearing a black long-sleeved shirt. Why?!"

With a shrug, I leave her at the kitchen not wanting to explain my cuts. Her hands halfway in the air and the look of utter bewilderment on her face of my actions, almost make me hysterical.

Plopping next to Cain, I get temptations to press the button just to make him die on the latest PlayStation game he bought. "Oh Wren, if Autumn wants to wear that it's fine. But if she dies of heat stroke, it's not our fault,"

"Fine, fine. I'm sorry, okay? I just... it's the time of month, so-"

"You are a fucking little bitch! I was winning!" And with that, I run out of the house cackling my ass off, "see you at school bitches!"

Halfway down the dirt road with earphones blasting, I notice two black wolves watching my every move. Out of impulse, I touch my pendant; as if it would only work under my touch. I ignore them for now but am unsure if the glass pendant is working. It must be right? They would've already noticed my scent if it wasn't.


I am glad I can say that little to nothing happened throughout the next two weeks, except for constant headaches, but that was normal according to Cato. I have been separated from Tyson for a while now and Cato informed me that his inner beast will emerge on the full moon this week.

I took this information as leverage and prepared for a chase. Of course, I did consider the life of acceptance but in truth, I didn't want to get hurt again. I am fucked up in the brain and my heart is metaphorically guarded by seven hundred walls of steel; who would want to deal with that?

"Aww, do you have to go?"

"You heard Cato and Dray, Pen. He's coming. I can feel it too." It was true. Yesterday, one day before the full moon, I was sharpening my blades and I heard him in my mind. He said he loved a good chase. In fright, I told Cain and he instantly demanded the boss to teleport us to Arkland to talk to Cato and Dray. They told me the same thing, "you better start running."

So here I am in my usual uniform down south of Kingstown at 11:00 pm, my bow and quiver on my back. The others reluctantly stayed back at the house to continue the mission while I tried to shake off my mate.

Looking at the view in below me from the trees, I see the lights of the many houses illuminate the night sky, the full moon shining in all its glory. It is quiet, peaceful and- is that a wolfs howl? How the fuck did they find me so fucking fast?

I hear the screams of fear from the town get quieter and quieter as I swing from branch to branch, away from the wolves. The harsh wind whipping my eyes, making them tear. I can't stop, it'll only make him take me quicker. I hear them, twenty wolves in total, snarling and growling; all to get their Luna back.

Luck must be on my hands tonight because I skid to a stop in front of yet another cliff. They won't follow me down there right, hell I wouldn't follow me down there. The jump looks to be 2 km up in the air and the current strong enough to bash me in the rocks if I land the wrong way. "Hello again Autumn,"

I gasp at the sight in front of me, his hair is dishevelled, his lack of shirt and the moonlight make his muscles prominent. He looks sexy. "I can smell your arousal my dear mate. So you better stop,"

"I'll jump!"

With a sigh he stalks towards me, given I am on the edge I couldn't move back, "my dear, I'm not Tyson. I will not allow the same mistake to happen again"

I had to think of something fast but he is already in front of me, "hmm, I like your scent but it smells too fake up close," don't tell him, Autumn. Don't break.

"I-I'll... I'll j-j-ump," he smells so good but I completely lose it when his warm breath hits my neck and starts to trail kisses against my shoulder, "will you now? You have repeated that sentence twice Autumn, yet have you jumped? Or are you too... distracted?"

His lips are soft as I feel them against my own but this is wrong, so I try to wiggle out of his grasp. Keyword: try. His arms tighten around my waist and at the lack of response from me, he bites my lip. I gasp at the jolt of pain and pleasure and the dick uses that opportunity to stick his tongue down my throat. With our tongues fighting for dominance, I don't comprehend the strangled moan I release when he wins or the fact that he has left my mouth and is trailing kisses down my neck.

My thoughts of pleasure are cut short as I feel two sharp needles poke at the bottom of my neck, where it meets my collarbone. He's going to mark me. I can't do that, so I knee him in the balls, hard enough to hurt him but not that hard to damage the future and jump. Jump into the cold water. Jump, once again, away from my mate.

As soon as the cold water hits me, my mind is relieved from my lewd thoughts of going back to Tyson and his wolf. Using my agility and reflex, I dodge the oncoming dangers but I guess that wasn't enough for me because I hear a splash behind me. There are only five people that I am aware of who would jump from such height; Cain, Wren, Pen and I, of course, but that's four. The only other person who is stupid enough would be... Tyson's fucking wolf.

I slightly remember my first time seeing two teens kiss, it was the day we went to Disneyland with the Arkland wizards. They were appalled at first, since they were actual wizards, and complained the whole way. I, on the other hand, complained because of the thought of them kissing. Cato had heard my rant on the way home and explained to the others and I that day, the act of mating.

He also told me that every supernatural creature and human had a mate and running away from them was stupid because the mate bond always won. I, being the naïve 12-year-old I was, agreed and always dreamt of him. That dream ended as soon as I was introduced to the real world.

I can't dwell on that thought for too long as I feel a sharp pain on my torso. Weird, I don't feel intense pain or the feeling of blood leaving.


I don't know what takes over my body in this second but all I can think about is my mate. He is above me, blood gushing everywhere. I may not want a mate but I still couldn't handle the fact that he can die. I swim to him, praying he will keep his eyes open for just a little longer. He does. "Hey, hey Tyson. I need you to try to stay aw-" He marked me. All I feel is pleasure, the sadness inside me almost forgotten. Then his electric blue eyes close.

"Come on. Please. Please!" He can't die.

"Autumn, hun, come on. The portals here." I need a blade. They can't take him away.

"No, please, no."

"He'll be alright darl."

I didn't hear, feel and do anything after that. I just welcome the darkness that envelopes me.

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