-09- It's A New Day

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Authors Note:

Hiya, it's a me again. I'm actually really sorry to those who have wanted me to update for a long time now. But here it Is. I'll try this year to update as much as possible but no promises. This chapter is also dedicated to EmmaLCarter for her amazing support and I just wanted to say thanks to you. Ok peace and enjoy.

'I'm coming for you.'


The message on the wall sent shivers through my back. He's coming for me? Why? Is he some type of bipolar asshole? I wish I knew the answer, but the loud banging distracts me from any train of thought. Then it stops. There is only one supernatural creature that does any sort of playing while warns people at the same time and that's a banshee. These troublemakers like to mess with people all while signaling the death of someone close to you. But why is this message here? After compensating, I decide to go downstairs to get food and deal with my problems later.

After the hype of everything, I go to my phone to try see why the signal was out from my room. It wasn't. Four bars sit at the top of my phone. As good as new. Someone tampered with my technology. But how? Getting past any part of technology here was impossible unless they directly cut the power. But that was in the basement...

"Aut! Autumn?!" I look towards the door then think about the message, Cain is going to kill him. Then feel pity for me, bring him back, then kill him again.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm up here!" Their quiet footsteps echoing throughout the silent house.

"Why the fudge nuggets were there bangi... oh..."

"Who's T?" I puff out a sigh of relief. Wren and Pen don't understand that it's his name but Cain on the other hand... "Aut, who. Is. T?" Cain might as well just kill me then because of his unruly death stare, "I... I uhh... I don't know," my lie goes straight past him like the reflective light through a glass object. His chuckle is not of amusement, "You don't know? I bet you it's that stupid mate of yours. Do you know who was sniffing around our house the other day? His wolves, they found a trace of your scent, Autumn. He knows."

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Hello? Hello? Oh, there you guys are. I've been trying to contact your watches. What happened?" The face of our boss suddenly pops up on our wrists. "Nothing sir, the power was cut off," I say smoothly.

"Hmm, how odd? Anyways, tonight is another full moon and you know what that means; his wolf is coming again, Autumn."

"Can't she just go to Arkland, boss. I mean, she would be the safest there right?"

"No, Cain. I did not raise you all to be cowards. You will talk it out with him, Autumn and you will make up your choice to either accept the rejection or... give him another chance." Give him another chance? Could I really do that? His words hurt, they fuelled my demons and they think I can just forgive and forget

"But sh-"

"Enough Pen! Autumn, Tyson is your mate. Whatever you choose tonight decides all your fates. Which means you can not come here tonight and you must talk to him. Now, I don't know if you have heard but there is a banshee on the loose... and it's up to mission inc. to stop them. You see what I did there?" There's an awkward silence before Wren speaks up, "yeah, yeah we get it, dad," I can't help laugh at her emphasise, "you and your awful jokes need to stop." Boss just pokes his tongue at all three of us and hangs up.

After receiving a lecture from all three of them, we decide to look for the banshee for questions. Looking at the others, I give them all nods before looking at my watch, 11:00. "We have around 6 hours to find this stupid banshee before your fucking mate goes full alpha." Hearing Cain talk about my mate like that evokes an emotion in me, anger? But the feeling wasn't towards Tyson, it was towards Cain. 'He is accepting the bond,' That little voice in my head gives me hope, but I know it will never happen, so I just shake off the voice.

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