Shades of grey

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Salmah stirred on her bed relishing the softness of her bed covers, she picked her phone from the side bed drawer and checked the time. It was 11 in the morning, she missed sleeping in for this long due to how busy she had been this past weeks. She checked her social media account seeing nothing interesting, leaped out of bed and to the toilet to take her bath.

Salmah entered the sitting room meeting her family members, her dad was sitted on his usual couch reading a newspaper while her mother was on her iPad typing away and her brother imam was on his phone probably chatting. Iman the youngest of the house age 8 was watching Sofia the first on Disney junior.

Salmah went over and hugged her dad.
'Good morning, Abbana ' she said.

'Good morning, my love' he said hugging her back.

'Morning, Ammi ' she said to her mother from where she is sitting beside her father.

'Morning ' she muttered without glancing up distracted by what she was doing .

'Salmah and her dad looked at each other smiling knowingly, Ammi is lost in her own world and won't be coming out soon. She tends to bring her work home sometimes.
'Good morning, Adda' imam said to Salmah looking up from his phone.

"Morning little"she answered smiling knowing she referred to him with the name he hated.

"Adda, you know that's not true anymore because am taller than you now". He retorted back.

Their father laughed and said,"you know it's true, calling him little won't make him grow any smaller now."

Their mother joined in the laughter while Salmah pouted and stamped her foot while they laugh at her expense.

"Adda, will you take me to the saloon to wash my hair like yours? You promised,"Iman said trying to pull the baby face.

"That's true Salmah, you promised her "their mother said smiling.

"Okey, I will take you later after I have eaten my breakfast and Ammi you paying because you supported it."

"That's no problem," their father said, pulling out money from his pocket and handing to her.

"Abba, what about me?" Imam said moving closer. "I want to buy a new game disc, I told you" he pleaded.

'Sarkin kishi, Abba don't give him. He had over 20 of them.' Salmah said trying to tease him.

'Abba, don't listen to her. It's not true, pleaaaase"

'Okey, remind me later before I go out'. Their father said.

Salmah stood up and headed to the dinning to get something to eat. After she had her breakfast she headed to her room, upon entering she heard her phone ring and rushed to pick it up.

'Hello Qawa, how are you?' Amal said from the other end.

'I am fine. How is Ahmad's bride doing this morning' she teased.

'Oh, fabulous as always' Amal answered.
'Called to ask you for a favor, tomorrow yaya Basheer will take you to see the woman over seeing my kamu event, there are things she wants to explain and to show you the proposed decoration . I know you can handle it for me. Please?'

'Sure, what time tomorrow?.

'Around 4pm Yaaya will pick you up '.

'Okey, sure'.

'Thanks love, laters baby'.

'That's so Christian grey of you,' she said laughing .

'Haha, I just had to say it' she answered before hanging up.

The next day Salmah got ready early to avoid being late for the appointment with the event manager. She wore a yellow lace with the touch of green keeping her makeup at the minimum, she paired it a green veil and opted to flat shoes for comfort. She looked very beautiful with big rounded eyes, a straight nose a very small mouth. She has the curvy type of body referred to as hour glass. She doesn't have to try much to look beautiful because it comes easy to her, almost natural.

She sat in the sitting room answering her messages on whatsapp. A few minutes later her phone rang, it was Amal telling her someone is outside waiting for her . She went to her mother to say goodbye, grabbed her bag and headed outside.

Upon reaching the car, she saw someone sitting in the driver's seat not basheer. She stood frozen in the driveway eyes wide as saucer pan.


Dang! Who is it? Any guesses? .
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