The nerve

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The drive was a quite one, without a word spoken to one another. They arrived at the event center in a short period of time, Ammar found a spot to park his car and they headed into the wedding hall together. Coming in together they looked like the perfect couple, people were gushing at how they make a very cute couple.

After their entrance Salmah found her way to where the bridesmaids were seated. The girls kept teasing her about how they looked perfect together with Ammar, are they in a relationship or she is hiding it from them. Salmah was like God forbid what will she do with The egotistic jerk. Her name was called as the bride's best friend to come and give a speech on the bride after the best man gave his speech about the groom. She gave an amazing speech on the bride which earned her applauses from the audience. The groomsmen taken by her beauty, many wanted to approach her and express their feelings.

The bridesmaids were called to dance, Salmah is a very good dancer and before you know it guys started spraying money on her while she danced. Ammar's blood was boiling from where he sat. seeing how the guys were undressing Salmah with their eyes, even his brother Basheer joined her on the dance floor spraying money on her holding her hands so they danced together. From where he was seated he could see them laughing and dancing , Basheer whispered something in her ears and she laughed. Ammar couldn't take it anymore he picked up his phone and called Salmah's cell, he was given her number since the day he took her to see the event manager but never called her.

"Hello, who is this?" Salmah said into her phone while trying to get away from the loud music.

"Meet me at the parking lot, right now!" Was his answer.
Salmah was confused about the call , but she decided to go and see who it was so she headed to the parking lot. When she arrived, she didn't see anybody there, she stood for almost 5 mins and then decided to go back inside since it seems it was just a prank call.
"Where do you think you going?"He thundered authoritatively moving towards her.

She stood there looking at him not knowing what to do because it came as a surprise to her.
"I am talking to you, what were you thinking dancing like that in a room full with men,without thinking of your dignity? Did you forget you are a lady?"

Salmah couldn't take his accusations she felt anger building up inside her. How dare he question her character, who does he think he is ? She turned and started walking back to the hall without giving him an answer.

"Where do you think you are going to? I am talking to you" said almost shouting. He pulled her arms turning her towards him. She was beyond mad. Just then her phone began to ring it was Basheer calling her, she picked the phone trying to find her voice.

"Matas(wifey), where are you? I can't find you anywhere" he said.

"I just left to answer a phone call, will be back in a minute."

"Okey, "he answered, dropping the call.

She turned to walk away, Ammar didn't even let her take another step. He draped her over his shoulder, she yelled and cursed him but he didn't put her down. He opened his car door dropped her inside while she was still throwing tantrums. He ignored her and locked the door making sure it was locked from the outside, the car was left running with the air con on. He left her and went back to the wedding.

She sat in there boiling with anger she tried to open the door but couldn't she had no choice but to wait for him to come and open the door , she cursed and cursed his existence. Her phone kept ringing, Basheer called her she didn't know what to tell him so she didn't pick up, the bride also called and other bridesmaids she just watched until they stopped calling her.

She sat in silence planning all types of ways to kill Ammar while back inside the wedding hall the wedding continued dances, refreshments and also pictures were taken.

Salmah didn't know when or how she got home she only woke up in the morning to the frenzy of the bridesmaids trying to take their baths, she didn't even hear when they got in because she is on her period she didn't wake up for subhi prayer. She was confused on how she got home , how she got in bed too knowing she fell asleep in Ammar's car.

"Salmah, how could you do this to me " Amal said. Sitting beside her on the bed .

"You just left me there, how could you? Even Yaaya bash was looking for you, he asked me your whereabouts I told him I didn't know and you refuse to pick up your phone. Where were you? And how did you end up coming home before any of us?"

"I promise I didn't do it intentional, please believe me. I will tell you all about it when I have my bath. Pleeeese.....pretty please" she begged, pouting.

"Okey...okey go and get ready I will be waiting ."

'Thanks love, amarya ta amadu( bride of Ahmad)" she ran into the toilet knowing Amal hate the name amadu.

"Stop calling him amadu" she said throwing a pillow at her but she missed.

----------------------------------------------phewww! Finally....!
What caused Ammar to react in such a way??🙄

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