Marriage talks

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My dear readers out there thank you, and I really appreciate you!

"You should have seen his face when Ahmad showed up, kissed me on the lips and said honey I got us the tickets. Just like that, without even glancing at the guy, we just left him gaping" she sighed dreamily not even noticing Salma's attention was not with her but lost in thoughts.

She looked up to see why she had stopped talking that was when she realized she had finished the story and was waiting for her to say something.

'Uh...sound so sweet and romantic" She managed to utter with a small smile, hoping she said the right thing without giving herself up. she stopped listening right after she started telling the story. She was seated on Amal's former bed in her former room, telling her all the tales of their honeymoon how romantic her husband is.

"Hey, you seem distracted. Enough with my romantic tales, how are you? What is going on with you?"She asked truly concerned.

"I am fine sweetheart,Just a little distracted with final exams and everything, but I really miss you besty"she lied hoping she didn't notice her lies.

"Oh that's true, good luck with that. Oh! yes, I remember let me get you your gifts " she bounced up from the bed and rampage her bag to get the gifts she brought her friend.

Alhamdulillah! She didn't suspect anything. How can I start to explain to her my predicament whilst everything is because of her brothers. She closed her eyes, flashes of what happened earlier emerging .


"Adda, Abba said I should call you,"her little sister came bouncing into the room. She have been locked in her room since she came back home, trying to get some reading done because she has been too distracted recently and couldn't afford to play with her books. She stood up without removing her reading glasses, she looked really cute in her pajamas and headed to see her father.

"There's my princess,"her father said smiling brightly at her. She moved forward to where he was seated and leaned on his shoulders. She loved when her father pats her and spoil her with his attention.

"Abbana, Iman said you are calling me"

"Yes, I did ask her to call you. What are you doing in your room?"

"I am trying to get some reading done"

"Oh yes that's the reason I wanted to see you too,"He said all of a sudden turning serious.

"Okey"she replied nervous and dreading what he is about to say, what could it be?

"We talked with your grandfather the other day, he brought up the topic of marriage.,"Dam! Her heartbeat shot. She looked up her eyes round as saucers looking at her dad.

"Yes marriage, you are about to finish your university . So, do you have any one you love? You can tell him to come and see me. I want to get you married after your finals,"He finished looking at her.

Marriage? Oh my god! What am I going to do ? She thought in a panicked state. Despite the cool breeze blowing from the air condition in the room she suddenly started feeling sweat pricking from every inch of her body. Her father looked at her expecting her to say something but she couldn't say a word, her tongue seems to be tied and and her throat dry. She sat there looking lost.

"Don't worry my princess, just think about it and tell me or tell your mother. Okey?"She managed a nod and stood up absent minded and headed to her room.

She sat on her bed all thoughts of books forgotten. What is she going to do? Marriage? With who? The love of her life doesn't love her back, he can't even spare her a second look remembering what happened earlier. She is officially doomed ! She gathered herself together and went into to the toilet performed ablution and spread her prayer mat. She have no one to talk to except Allah , he alone can hear her plea and give her a solution. So she prayed and prayed until her legs gave up.

Things have been rather hectic for Ammar these past days, he was too busy with a project at work that he didn't have time to think or pursue his growing feeling for Salmah.

He doesn't even have time for his family, he only managed to see his sister and talked to her once since she came back. Before all the rush his friend sat him down and gave him an advice to pursue his love and be happy because the girl might end up swept away by someone before he notice and that will be the end of their chapter. He promised himself that he will give in to his heart desire once the project is done. He will seek Salmah and offer his heart to her even though his belief is against that but hell! He need to make that move.

When he saw her the other day stepping into their household he remembered his heart stopping for a moment, she looked so beautiful and perfect . It took him a lot of will power to divert his gaze from her .

He will be traveling to the south tomorrow to oversee his project on the site but once everything is over nothing will stop him from approaching her. Nothing! He smiled and closed his eyes bringing up images of her in his eyes and then stood up to start parking his cloths in preparation of his journey.

Marriage? Did anyone see that coming? What will happen?.


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