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Salam sweeties, I haven't been able to update in a while I am sorry(holding my ears), I hope you all will appreciate this update and show me by pressing that star below. I also want you guys to tell me what you all like about my book, how do you like the story so far? Or should I take it down if it doesn't interest you. I am all ears talk to me I want to know what you think.


She turned in her soft and cozy bed enjoying every minute of it. Feeling a new found freedom, yes! She's done with her finals no more early lectures, assignments, annoying lecturers. She picked her phone that has been chiming with notifications, most of the messages were that of her family and friends congratulating her on the completion of her exams and messages from yaya Basheer telling her how much she meant to him.

She smiled reading a text from him saying how his heartbeat with the sound of her name.

She opened another message from Amal that reminds her to attend her parents surprise anniversary party she organized which was later that day.

She had been too busy with her books that she managed to escape thinking about him too much, though he randomly pop into her thoughts but she dismisses it in time to before she dwell on it.

Shaking off the thought of him,she stood up deciding to check on her brother it's been a while they hangout together. She miss their friendly bantering.

"My ugly brother"

"Urgh! don't even start with that, we all know you are the ugly one, "he retorted rolling his eyes while pausing his video game knowing he wouldn't concentrate with his sister around. She stepped fully into the room.

"That's a big lie you know, I look more like mom and if you say i am ugly, you are indirectly calling mum ugly, "she said laughing know she had him there.

"No,I did not"

"Yes, you did"

"No, I did not"

"Yes, you did."Frustrated he threw the pillow beside him at her catching her off guard.

"No, you didn't just do that! "She said wide eyed and before you know it the pillow fight started full on.

They both slumped on the his bed heaving heavily.

"Okey, I surrender" she said in between breaths.

"We both know, you are no match for me Adda "he managed in between breath too. He must admit it has been a long time since he had this much fun with his elder sister and it feels good.

"Come on but I can beat you in video game".

"That's so not true Adda and you know it",He said rolling his eyes.

"Okey lets play",she said jumping off the bed and grabbing a control pad.

And the battle began.

"Adda, Ammi said we will leave with out you, if you add another 2 minutes" her little sister Imani said trying to conjure a stern voice to convey the message just like Ammi said it.

She looked at her reflection again and try to rapidly make adjustments knowing Ammi can convince them to leave without her if she stay any longer. She wore a fitting white gown with a small cut around the neck that, she used a while turban and paired it with a pair of black louboutin heels she looked chick and beautiful.

She ran out of the house, her parents were already seated in the car ready to leave her behind, she jumped into the car breathless.

"Mtseww are always the last to get ready whenever we are going out, you will never change. You are even lucky you met us we would have left without you, " her mother said in annoyance. While her father drove out of the house, they were all invited to the anniversary of Amal's parents that is were they were heading to.

Salmah is so excited to attend the anniversary because she will get to see Ammar, she haven't seen him in a while that was why she spent a lot of time trying to look good but remembering he might ignore her her heart sinks.

"Yaaya, you should go and get ready people are starting to show already and you still not ready,"Amal said closing his laptop and trying to get him to stand up, she managed to pull him out of the house to go and get ready.

"Yaaya bash, are you sure mom and dad will make it in time? I am so nervous they might not make it in time and ruin the surprise" Basheer smiled trying to comfort her he dropped his little cousin and shooed her to go and play after bribing her with a bar of chocolate.

"Little amu, don't worry I know they will be here anytime soon because I called malam Ado earlier he said they left uncle Naseer's place already,"he said relaxing her shoulders. They planned the small anniversary walima which consist of close friends and relatives as a surprise, they enlisted the help of their uncle to invite their parents over earlier in the day so they could prepare everything. Lucky for them their parents didn't suspect anything because Amal didn't even come to the house until they left though she called them wishing them happy anniversary like there was nothing planned.

Amal and Basheer managed to pull everything together in time while Ammar helped (note the Sarcasm) in giving orders and shouting at the helpers unnecessarily claiming they are disturbing his work. He is excited though knowing Salmah will come, he heard his sister talking to her earlier and confirmed she was coming with her parents. He is done with his project and it's time to pursue Salmah and build a relationship since there's nothing holding him back he thought (hmmm!).

The picture above is that of Salmah's attire cute right?😊

Miss Dewu ❤️

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