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"We should get going and leave amarya and her ango because malam Ahmad is already giving us the stinky eye" Deeni a friend of the groom teased while everyone laughed excluding the bride.

"Kaji dan sharri, I hear you. Go get your own wife too" the groom replied.

"Ouch! That hurts, I will soon get my bride too. You don't have to point out how single I am" deeni replied mocking hurt.

Everyone laughed at their exchange. After all the activity of the day at last the bride was brought to her new home, escorted by her friends and the groomsmen and now after getting over the tradition of paying off the bridesmaids by the groomsmen, it is time to bid the newly wedded goodnight.

"Please stay the night?" Amal pleaded to Salmah in between tears, still crying over leaving her parents house.

"You know I can't, today is Ahmad's day" she said laughing while trying to get out of Amal's hold.

"I promise to come very early tomorrow and besides he won't bite" she said.

"No, please stay over...please."

"Okey...I will stay the night with you but let go of my cloth first"

"What do you take me for? A 10 year old? " Salmah's phone rang and she picked it without looking at the caller id


"I am outside, can you meet me now?" She immediately recognized the voice and couldn't really place why he wanted to see her.

"Oh...okey" She ended the call. She immediately made a dash for it when Amal got distracted for a Sec and rushed out, getting away from her crazy friend. What's with ladies and crying on their wedding night? She wanted to get married right? So why all the tears? Ladies always over dramatic, and if you come in the morning you will find them enjoying their time without a trace of tears hmmm!

"Salmah, there's space here,come and join us in this car"

"No,don't worry I think I will get a ride somewhere around here" she told her friend who offered for her to ride with them.

She approached his car with millions of thoughts running through her head. She opened the door to the front seat and sat down closing the door after her.

Her scent was what hit my nose even before she sat down. I don't know why I felt the urge to see her but since I stomped out of the house earlier on after seeing her all giggly with Basheer I have been restless , I have to admit I don't like how close she seems to be with Basheer while she can't utter a single polite word to me without it ending terrible. I need to make things right so we can be on a more friendly environment. With her settled in I turned on the ignition and drove off.

He started driving without uttering a word to me, not even glancing at me. What is wrong with this guy? He called me to come and see him just to ignore me or so he can showcase how much of a jerk he is? He stopped the car in the middle of nowhere, I looked up confused but didn't say a word. After minutes of silence he spoke.

"I know we got off on the wrong foot, I feel like we need to move pass it and act like the adults we are. Don't you?" He said. Salmah was caught in surprise he wants to be cordial? Wow!

"I might or might not be at fault, we seem to always bring out the worst in each other but let bygones by bygones , let's be friends " did he just say that? Salmah couldn't believe her ears.

"Okey, sure I think it's the way forward " She managed to speak not even sure how she found her voice.

"Good, let me take you home" he said.

After dropping her at home, She was still bugged thinking of his sudden change of heart. What was the reason for Ammar's sudden change of behavior, asking to be friends? We shall see where that leads to, she said to herself. Ping! Her phone chimed alerting her of a new message.

'Hey beautiful, didn't get to catch up with you earlier. Hope you got home safe. Goodnight wifey😘'

she smiled and sent him a goodnight text back without giving much thought into his new level of fondness, she still regards him as Amal's cool brother who likes joking around and making her laugh.

Progress! He thought, slowly I will get to her and she will admit to liking me because I don't do admitting love to a girl, girls do that for me . I don't need to tell her, she will eventually realize she likes me and tell me thus making it easier for me so I don't have to disclose me heart. Pure genius Ammar thought smiling to himself hugging his pillow tight and drifting to sleep.

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