Mummy besty

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Hello dearies, here is another update even though you didn't make up to my requirement I still love you guys but please silent readers should please try and make an effort, if you read a chapter and you liked it why not show the appreciation by voting it takes only a second. Okey enough of my ranting let's get back to #salmar or #amsal

Two weeks later.

"Owk in shaa Allah I will try and come."
She waited for the other person on the line to talk then she answered.

"I know, I know but I don't have to promise I will come." She ended the calling sighing. Amal have been on her case to visit her since forever, she should just visit and get it over with. She thought folding the last piece of cloth she brought in from the laundry room.

She checked the time it says 12 noon, she can still dress up in record time and leave before zuhr prayer is observed. She stood up and opened her wardrobe, picking out clothes to wear is the most Annoying task ever, and she hated it.
After what seems like hours of deliberating,she made up her mind on a black pencil skirt and a blush lose top with a blush colored r&s veil to match . Somehow she felt the need to dress up today which is unusual for her these days.

Fully dressed with just a light makeup she picked up her handbag and threw in the necessary things she needed and made her way out. She met her mother in her room all dressed up obviously about to go out.

"My Ammi "she said hugging her mother from the back whilst resting her head on her shoulder.

Her mother smiled and patted her,"daughter where are you going to,all dressed up?" She asked happy her daughter is finally loosening up.

"I am going to visit Amal, she had been complaining for a while now and I need to stretch my legs I feel like I haven't gone out in forever"

"Well, you chose to be cramped up at home all day reading those online books"

"Ammi , reading is just a part of me and it keeps me company now that school is over"

"Okey, let's go out together, I will drop you on my way. I am going to see Hajiya Turai she just came out of the hospital "

"Okey , Ammi lets go" she said picking her mom's bag for her.

On their way Ammi is driving while Salmah posted the selfies she forced her mother to snap with her, she posted on Instagram and whatsapp status which she hadn't done in a long time.

"Ammi look at this one, we really do look alike but I am the finer version of you" she said bringing the phone to her mother's face.

"Ha ha, wait till your dad hears that statement , you will never hear the end of it, calling his wife ugly"

"Lah! Ammi I didn't say ugly "

"But you did in a way dear" her mother said laughing.

She dropped her off at Amal's gate and drove off while Salmah made her way into the posh looking apartment.

He started the holiday his boss forced him to go on today, his boss said he is no good to them if he ends up in a hospital, so he took a leave. But here he is now at his apartment bored already, this is a time where he wished he has a family of his own. Someone you come home to ,someone to hold you and ease all the stress from work, a kid running to you and filling you up about his day and a partner that will lend you an ear to rant about how you hate or love your
work. How he wish...Salmah was here!

He stretched his hand and picked his phone from the center table. He started checking his mails replying to those that needed replies and then he preceded to check his Snapchat, few days ago he send a request to Salmah on snapchat and she accepted but they hadn't said a word to each other.

He saw her story, she looked so beautiful and modest, there was a mirror selfie she took standing pouting her lips, another with her mom and a video of her and her mom in a car. He felt himself getting jealous and protective of her, she went out looking like that what if someone sees her and fall in love with her? She doesn't even need thing go out idiot she posted the pictures on social media someone can see her too!
Suddenly he fells the urge to call her, he had been deliberating whether to call her or not for the past 2weeks but every time he came close to dialing he found himself stopping but today he is going to call!

"Madam, see you with baby bump"Salmah said laughing at Amal.

"Urgh please not you too," she said pouting." Ahmad is always teasing me saying I am growing fat, like I didn't know it myself"

"Don't mind him you didn't grow fat at all, only the cheeks , the nose ,the tummy and..." She said stifling a laugh while Amal's eyes looks like they are about to bulge out of their sockets. She couldn't hold the laughter anymore she burst out laughing while Amal made a face at her.

"Okey, okey, I am sorry. I was just joking, I wish you could have seen your face " she said still laughing.

She threw one of her throw pillows at her" that was an expensive joke, I hate you"

"Yea, yea I know you love me" she said catching the pillow. They both laughed, it had been long they sat like these happily chatting.

"I really miss our sleepover days,"Amal said before she could add something Salmah's phone started ringing.

She picked the phone, surprised seeing Ammar calling her . Her heartbeat started beating rapidly and she suddenly became nervous " what this guy does to me, ya Allah" she thought , Amal sat observing how nervous she looked.

"Hello"she said trying to sound normal even though she's feeling jittery inside. The conversation was a short one, from how she had been ,what she have been upto and ended the call saying he just called to check up on her. When the call ended, she let out a long breath she didn't even know she was holding. When she looked up Amal's eyes were on her, you know that look your girlfriend gives you when she's waiting for you to spill that gossip you are holding back? that's the look Amal was giving her at the moment.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"Salmah said taking a piece of samosa and taking a bite from it, ignoring the look Amal is giving her.

"Nothing, I am just curious because I noticed something while you were answering the call "

"Madam!! Don't read too much into it , the caller was yaya Ammar he wanted to checkup on me " she said trying to sound nonchalant.

"Okey, " Amal answered dropping the topic immediately and they moved on to another topic.

Salmah stayed over at Amal's place until after Isha prayer, Amal and her husband dropped her off at home.

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