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I am so sorry for the silence, I had a major writers block but I am back cheers! And a little heads up, the use of tissue will suffice in the near future. Hold on to your seats its gonna be a rough ride.


Days have passed by, a lot has happened among it is the total submission of two lovers to their fate and accepting it. These two souls are none other than Salmah and Ammar even though no one admitted his feelings to the other they still carry the burden like a curse which will probably follow them to the grave.

At first Salmah, most nights cries herself to bed while other nights she spend her night praying to the almighty To have the strength to go through with the wedding and be able to someday learn to love Basheer no matter how little because he deserve that from her, she pray to also find happiness in the marriage which she seems to have lost from the day her wedding was announced.

Ammar on the other side has also come to term with losing Salmah to his brother and pray hard to Allah so he could have strength to look away from Salmah when she becomes his brother's wife. His mother had been sensing something being off about him like how he don't talk much and how he is always traveling not to mention how thin he is growing but he refused to say anything, he keeps blaming it on work related stress.

The wedding preparation is in full force both Basheer and Salmah's family are busy preparing for the wedding not to mention Amal even though pregnant she still put it upon herself to oversee everything to the last detail.

"Habibty I can't wait to see you" the love he feels for her can be heard through his words.

"Uhmm... What if I don't want to see you?" She said trying to sound very convincing stifling a smile.

"Urgh...come on love you wound me with your words but you know what? when I finally make it back home, I will turn everywhere upside down just to find you. No one can hide my bride from me"

"Oh..really? Don't make me disappear then"

"Okey, enough of this torture you know how much I miss seeing your beautiful face and that killer smile, me being back here held up at work but in shaa Allah I will get my annual leave tomorrow and I will pack my bags and head home. We will only get back here after our honeymoon" he said knowing quite well she might end up cutting the call on him and that was exactly what she did.

I can't wait for you to be mine. my shy bride, love you loads habibty, see you tomorrow.

Salmah read the text and smiled , she had come to peace with what is about to happen to her because she knows Allah has chosen what's best for her. she will someday be able to love Basheer back even though this few days they had grown quite close to each other always on the phone talking to each other, now she knows Basheer is not bad either and equally good looking too.

The next morning, it was a Friday morning just like any other day Salmah woke up to the text message of Basheer telling her how much he loved her and she should call him when she wakes up because he doesn't wanna disturb her beauty sleep. She just smiled and called him, they talked for over 10mins and then said their goodbyes telling her he would be on his way after jumaat prayer.

"Ummah Yaaya Basheer called when you were in the kitchen he said he will be on his way after jumaat prayer that he managed to get his annual vacation today " Amal said while changing the tv channel.

"Masha Allah we talked last night, he called your father and I was there so he gave me the phone to talk to him"

"I can't believe Yaaya is really getting married "

"Me too, even last night I was teasing him about it your father did tease him too"

"Can't wait to see him, I didn't tell him that he will soon be an uncle I know he would be very happy about the news"

"Of course, Basheer loves children that reminds me the dambun shinkafa you wanted is done and waiting for you on the dinning"

"Oh thank you mother you are the best, i love you" she said jumping to hug her mother and rushing to the dinning.

Her mother just smiled and shook her head, she will never grow up she thought to herself 


Salmah came to her room after being forced by her aunt who had packed to their house in the name of wedding preparations, to take some herbs especially made for her which she doesn't even want to know the reason.

Four missed calls and 1 new message.

Was on her screen, she checked and all the missed calls were from Basheer from 2 hours ago. She opened the message and it was from him telling her he is on his way and can't wait to see her. She tried calling his phone but it was switched off , she shrugged maybe it was due to the road or network. She dropped her phone and started getting ready to go out and visit the fashion house she gave her bridal clothes to. The tailor called her to come for fitting before the final touches of the cloths are done.

She had been offering the Salam but no one answered, when she entered the parlor there was no one so she headed to her Ammi's room to tell her she is back. I know Basheer had been calling my phone none stop I will call him as soon as I go to my room, I can't believe how I forgot the phone at home she thought to herself while entering Ammi's room.

Innalillahi wainna illaihi rajiun is he going to be alright?

That was the first thing she heard pushing her heard into the room.

Omg! What do you think happened?



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