The wedding

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Okey, I know. yes I am guilty but you guys love me so please forgive me for the silence. Iloveyou guys keep reading and keep voting!

The long awaited day is finally here, today Is Salmah and Ammar's wedding Fatiha.

Both the groom's and the bride's houses are in utter chaos making preparations to make sure everything falls into place!

Ammar who is impeccably dressed in white with touches of gold looks so dashing with the smiles he is throwing all over the place, you won't miss who the groom is. Even though the news of his wedding came unexpected but he couldn't have planned better.

His happiness started with a phone call from his dad asking him to meet him at home in the night, he didn't think of anything when he went to see his dad that night and that was when after a long nasiha and praises, he told him about the marriage plans and how they have already asked the parents of the girl and they accepted, leaving out the name of the lady though not intentionally. The news came to him like a thunder in the middle of the night, his father deserve anything from him and because of this he can never reject his fathers wish. He thanked him for looking out for him and making choices for him and even faked being excited while deep down his heart was breaking for the second time. Salmah will never be his, he taught this was his chance after his brothers death to make her his wife but fate has done it again. He bid his father goodnight and blindly went to his room , his world was crashing for the second time and there was nothing he could do because he can never disobey his parents. He locked up himself in his room grieving his lost love for the second time, when he finally decided to enter the house as fate will have it his mother was seated in the sitting room with a friend of her's that likes teasing Ammar . He greeted them while his mother expressed how worried she was for not seeing him these past days , he only shrugged it and said he was enjoying his work leave. Then his mum's friend started teasing him about being a groom and how he is very lucky to have such a beautiful bride. He wanted to ask who the bride was but kept quite because it doesn't make sense, he decided to wait till someone tells him or he would ask Amal to tell him more about the girl .

His mother brought him out of his thoughts by telling him to go and see his bride so they could talk about the marriage plans, and asked him to deliver some items to Salmah's parents when he get there.

He was confused at the request but thought maybe the girl was a relative of theirs who was living with them. He obediently collected the package and head to his room to change into a decent attire, deep down he wanted the know who the mysterious lady is even though he detest her already for destroying his dreams of forever!

He met Salmah's mother parking  her car outside in the parking space, obviously coming back from work. He stepped out of his car and went over to give his respects, her face lightened up when she saw him. After the usual greetings and inquiring about his parent's wellbeing, she invited him in."Ammar why are you behaving like a stranger? This is also your parents house sit down,please" she said making her way into sitting room while he followed behind. She ordered for refreshments to be served to him and then she excused herself saying" Ammar feel at home, I will go in and freshen up and also will send her over because i know this visit isn't for me" she said laughing without allowing him to deny, she left .

Few minutes later, he heard soft footsteps heading towards the sitting room, he avoided looking towards the incoming stranger even though he is tempted to do so but he suppressed the urge and fixed his gaze on the television without really understanding what he was actually watching because his mind is somewhere else.

A soft and melodious voice offered the Salam and he froze in his seat. The voice sounded a lot like Salmah, is she here as the bride or did she come to just see him? His gaze was still fixed on the television, he couldn't bring himself to look at her.

They stayed like that for almost 10 minutes without saying a word to each other, when Ammar finally gathered his thoughts and turned to look at her Salmah's eyes were filled with tears which he could only guess are because she was being forced to marry the person she didn't love. The feeling of dread filled him, he felt anger, pain and disappointment but he gathered himself and spoke.

"I know your parents must have told you about what will become of me and you, I am sorry you were forced into accepting me, I know you loved my brother and it is obvious you still do. May his soul rest in peace, my parents arranged this too I had no idea. I could say we are both being forced into this Union, I pray we can make it work." He ended looking at her but she didn't say anything.

He left there in rage, when he first got to know she was the one he was to marry, he felt so happy but right now his mood has dampened. She doesn't love him, she will always love Basheer ! He thought.

And from that day upto today? He hadn't spoken to her again, he didn't want any reminder of how much she hate him. He always send his massages about the wedding through his sister or Faisal his friend.

Today is a happy day to him because Salmah will become officially his, despite the circumstances and knowing that gives him a lot of joy.

The wedding Fatiha of Salmah and Ammar was witnessed by family and friends along with many well wishers. They are officially husband and wife!

Salmah was seated amidst her friends when Fareeda rushed into the room, announcing the wedding Fatiha has already took place and now Salmah is officially Mrs Ammar. They all started teasing her singing,

"Ta Zama ta zama, ta zama dauko Riga
Ta zama dauko wando, ta zama Matan aure"( a song sang mostly to the bride by her friends or her cousins just to tease her).

A friend of Salmah Maryam pulled her away from them and shoved her into the toilet to perform ablution and pray two rakaats to thank Allah for his blessings on that day. Despite the happy atmosphere Salmah's heart almost stopped when Fareeda came bearing the news of the wedding, today her dream, hopes and wishes have been fulfilled but she couldn't escape the feeling of dread making its way into her mind. What will become of this marriage? How will she cope with being Ammar's wife? Considering he has never loved her even for a day. He sees her as the pathetic little girl that he was forced to marry. who is still stuck on loving his dead brother not knowing her heart only beats for him.

Later that night a dinner was organized to celebrate the wedding, there was lots of food and dancing everyone enjoyed themselves . The couples were impeccably dressed and looked so much in love, the glow on their faces speaks thousands of unsaid happiness.(photo of the couples above)

Salmah wasn't taken to Ammar's house until the next morning, she parted with her parents crying like every other daughter being married off, even her father shed a few tears. Marriage the battle of the ladies , they say!

A new life awaits Salmah at her new home, what could it be?


Phew! The marriage has taken place. Sorry for the lack of vivid description, I hope you enjoy these chapter😘 the picture of the couples above doesn't belong to me I stole it yes😁 I just love them and decided to yes the picture

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