Chapter 18

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"So, your telling me that Tony and Katherine are fooling our father?" Allen turned to Lilly as he watched her button up her blouse.

Lilly strutted over to Allen to help with his tie and signed when she was finished. "Yes, they thought I couldn't hear them; called me deaf."

Allen started to chuckle, "What?" Allen flenched when she punched his arm.

Lilly angrily signed, "This is serious! They are a threat to us. Our family. Our future."

Allen's smile faded, "Well take care of it."

Lilly fumbled with her fingers as she turned away. Allen lightly grasped her shoulders turned her to face him. "Tony told Katherine to focus on you, I'm going to lose you."

Allen shook his head, "No, that's not going to happen."

Lilly signed with tears in eyes, "Promise?"

Allen nodded as he leaned in to kiss her.

Later that night Allen met with his father to discuss their dilemma, "Can't we cut our ties with them?"

Marcus silently shook his head, "If I don't have plausible cause, no. All we can do is wait. We have bigger fish to fry anyway."

"What do you mean?"

Marcus lit a fat cigar, "Lilly's father has been looking for her."

Allen was in shock, "What do you mean?"

"While she was at the hospital doing foster care, one of his older men recognized her."

Allen's shock had turned to anger, "Why does he want her now?"

Marcus sadly tapped his cigar butt in the ashtray, "I'm not sure." Marcus noticed his sons fist balled up ready to strike. He cocked a questionable eyebrow.

Allen eased his expression, "She's not to leave without an escort. Never."

Marcus nodded, "I agree, but just always be on your guard, even here."

Allen nodded, "Yes sir."

As Allen left his fathers office, he texted Lilly, "Goodnight. Sweet dreams."

He sighed at her response, "Goodnight."

Early the next morning Vivian and Marcus dropped off a sleeping Chloe to Lilly's cottage.  Around nine am, Allen was bouncing down to the breakfast room to met Lilly and Chloe. Just as he reached the bottom of the stairs, there was a knock at the door. Allen eased up to it and peaked out the peep hole. Katherine beamed as he opened the door and strolled in, "Good morning handsome."

Allen crossed his arms in front of his chest as he turned to her, "What can I help you with Katherine?"

She smirked as she strutted up to Allen, "Where is everyone?"

Allen shrugged, "Out." His expression turned to slight shock when she opened her coat. Katherine was only wearing sexy underwear underneath. He cocked an eyebrow, "What the hell are you doing?"

Katherine pulled off her coat and circled her arms around Allen's neck, "Like what you see?"

Allen scoffed, "Desperate is not my taste."

Katherine stepped back, "What?! How fucking dare you?"

Allen calmly circled around her, "I'm not falling for this shit. The oh please sleep with me and a month later I have to marry your loose ass because your knocked up and wonder if the bastard is mine?"

Katherine slapped Allen across the face, he blankly stared at her as he grabbed her by the arm. She was squirming as he opened the front door. She shrieked as he pushed her out as four of his fathers employees were coming in. One of them chuckled, "What that Fuck?"

Katherine turned back to the door and Allen threw her coat, hitting her in the face. She growled as she put it on and stormed to her car. "You'll fucking pay for that!"

Allen's gut felt heavy after he closed the door. Katherine immediately dialed her phone, "Yes, I have found exactly who your looking for."

Lilly eased Chloe out of the bath after she made a mess of her breakfast. As she placed her in her crib, she had a knock at the cottage front door, as she was about to open it, she was knocked to the ground as someone kicked it in. A tall unknown man appeared in the doorway. Lilly scrambled to her feet as she tried to run. Her chest heaved as she tried to reach a crying Chloe. She gasped as she opened the door to find another unknown man holding her baby sister. "Hello Lilly. Mr. Luciano is going to be so happy to see you." Lilly had tears as she begged with her eyes and reached for the baby. The man was about to hand Chloe over, but stopped when he heard gunfire in the living room. Lilly jumped when she heard Allen's voice yelling her name as he reached the nursery. He stopped in his tracks as he saw the stranger with Chloe.

He beckoned Lilly to step closer to him but she didn't move, "Lilly, get closer to me."

Chloe started to cry again as the man spoke, "I didn't want it to be this way, but if you don't come with me; I have to take the baby. Boss said, eye for an eye."

Lilly took a quick step towards the man as he took a step to the French door. She signed to Allen for him to interpret, "I will go. Please don't hurt her! Tell him Allen!" Allen shook his head.

The man was getting nervous, "What that fuck is she saying! I'll hurt her! I swear it!"

Lilly held up her hands pressed palm to palm begging him to surrender the child.

The man's face showed sympathy, "You'll go then?"

Lilly franticly nodded.

"All right, get behind me and I'll put the baby down."

Lilly took a step and heard Allen yell, "No Lilly!"

Lilly signed, "No choice." as she continued to the man. She leaned down and kissed Chloe on the head and stepped behind the man. The stranger kept his eyes on Allen as he placed Chloe down and pulled a knife from his jacket and held it against Lilly's side. The two backed away as Allen shook with anger. As soon as they were out of sight, Allen rushed to Chloe and ran to the main house.

Vivian almost passed out as Allen told her the news. Marcus was silent.

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