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But first off:
Okay, so... I didn't want to put all the thank you's at the end of the last chapter because I thought it would destroy the atmosphere, so I'll say it here: Thank you. For everything. Not many people read this, but I'm still thankful for the votes and comments I received. It was so much fun to write this story (and it hurt) and there is so much I could explain and tell you about the characters and what happened before or little things I included and AHH THERE IS SO MUCH TO EXPLAIN but I guess no one wants to read long explanations and nothings. If you have certain questions, no matter what, feel free to ask!
HOWEVER. There will be a prequel to this which is going to be taekook and... well... what happened to them. It's probably going to be called dreamy suicide pact and I hope it'll be up soon. But enough of that.

Disclaimer: this is the scene from chapter 8 where Jimin sleeps with Yoongi.
I didn't include it back then because I thought it would make the chapter too long and was maybe inappropriate, but then I figured I could just write this little bonus chapter and those people who are uncomfortable reading smut don't have to read it because it doesn't have any impact on the story anymore, and those who wanted a smut scene (foreignfuckingllama yah I'm totally not talking to you no no) can read it. That's basically it. So, of course, Smut Warning.
Have fun, I guess:) (no that sounded so wrong)


Yoongi's cold hands slipped underneath Jimin's sweater and started exploring his skin. The younger had to shiver, but it felt oddly good.
They both gasped for air in between kisses, their tongues were fighting for dominance, but there wouldn't be a winner or a loser; this was all about harmony.
Goosebumps were covering Jimin's skin which made Yoongi chuckle.

"What?" Jimin asked when he broke the kiss. Yoongi shook his head.
"Nothing." Then, he just looked at Jimin.

His damp hair and his cheeks that were tinted in a soft rose color, his swollen pink lips and the shadows his eyelashes were throwing on his cheeks.

"Oh fuck... you're so beautiful," Yoongi whispered and pulled Jimin down into another kiss. Then, he moved his lips down until he reached his neck and started sucking at one spot that made Jimin gasp for air and then let out an almost inaudible whimper.
He clutched at Yoongi's shirt, his eyes closed.
Yoongi softly traced his fingers over the mark he had left in Jimin's neck, then he kissed further down and tried to pull the collar of his sweater down a bit so he could reach his collar bone which didn't work out since the collar was tighter than Yoongi had expected. Jimin giggled quietly.
"Wait..." he whispered and sat up. Yoongi's gaze seemed to be glued to his face.
"You can... uh..." Jimin laughed nervously and tugged at the hem of his sweater.
"Just if you want to, I mean, maybe this isn't what you wanted, uh..." he stuttered.
Yoongi sat up, grabbing the hem of Jimin's sweater and pushing it up just a tiny bit.

"Only if this is okay for you."

It was obvious that they weren't only talking about taking their shirts off anymore; this was something different.

"I'm ready, I think..." Jimin mumbled. He didn't dare to look into Yoongi's eyes, but when he finally did, he saw nothing but... embarrassment?

"Are you okay?" Jimin whispered concerned.
Yoongi gulped, then he nodded. "Yeah, I mean... I... I've never done this before."
And then he admitted quietly, "I've never slept with anyone before."
Jimin's whole face heated up. He didn't think this was something funny or to laugh about, it just made him fuzzy to think that Yoongi was willing to lose his virginity to him.

"That's okay," he mumbled, "I mean, I've only ever slept with girls."

"Is this going to be awkward?" Yoongi asked, making Jimin giggle.
"Probably. But that's okay."

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