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By ruthlessly killing the female fetus right in its sacred womb itself; you're infact ruthlessly killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of unassailably divine fertility,

By indiscriminately killing the female fetus right in its magical womb itself; you're infact indiscriminately killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of miraculously replenishing compassion,

By torturously killing the female fetus right in its sacrosanct womb itself; you're infact torturously killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of uninhibitedly heavenly mischief,

By insanely killing the female fetus right in its celestial womb itself; you're infact insanely killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of invincibly panoramic beauty,

By truculently killing the female fetus right in its Omnipotent womb itself; you're infact truculently killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of interminably blessing philanthropism,

By cannibalistically killing the female fetus right in its victorious womb itself; you're infact cannibalistically killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of pricelessly inimitable artistry,

By heartlessly killing the female fetus right in its perennial womb itself; you're infact heartlessly killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of unconquerably unprejudiced truth,

By cold-bloodedly killing the female fetus right in its blessed womb itself; you're infact cold-bloodedly killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of limitlessly poignant proliferation,

By unforgivably killing the female fetus right in its priceless womb itself; you're infact unforgivably killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of amazingly burgeoning creativity,

By sadistically killing the female fetus right in its insuperable womb itself; you're infact sadistically killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of blissfully ubiquitous fragrance,

By wretchedly killing the female fetus right in its unfettered womb itself;' you're infact wretchedly killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of passionately bonding equality,

By criminally killing the female fetus right in its Omniscient womb itself; you're infact criminally killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of enchantingly stupefying melody,

By venomously killing the female fetus right in its fructifying womb itself; you're infact venomously killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of unshakably ameliorating brotherhood,

By barbarously killing the female fetus right in its unimpeachable womb itself; you're infact barbarously killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of unfathomably exhilarating mysticism,

By hedonistically killing the female fetus right in its bountiful womb itself; you're infact hedonistically killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of unsurpassably undefeated goodness,

By cadaverously killing the female fetus right in its jubilant womb itself; you're infact cadaverously killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of infallibly bewitching prosperity,

By demonically killing the female fetus right in its ebullient womb itself; you're infact demonically killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of everlastingly symbiotic happiness,

By worthlessly killing the female fetus right in its triumphant womb itself; you're infact worthlessly killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of unconquerably sumptuous versatility,

By violently killing the female fetus right in its eternal womb itself; you're infact violently killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which could've been of ever-pervadingly righteous strength,

But by sacrilegiously killing the female fetus in its Omnipresent womb itself; you're infact sacrilegiously killing an infinite more of your very own generations ahead; which definitely and would 100% be of an infinite infants; children; girls; women; boys; men; uncles; aunts; fathers; mothers; grandfathers; grandmothers; and an endless list of an endless more relations to you; galore

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 1Where stories live. Discover now