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It didn't cost even a single penny; instead annihilated all the disparaging gloom that encompassed the air,

It spread waves of stupendous rhapsody all around; making one profoundly oblivious to tumultuous tribulation,

It boosted ones spirits prolifically; helping him substantially to eradicate his reservoir of horrendous memories,

It ubiquitously propagated the spirit of uninhibited freedom; easing the deplorable alacrity in the atmosphere,

It dramatically metamorphosed the pallid demeanor of hospitals; impregnating the debilitated with new rays of animated hope,

It induced loads of frivolity in bombastic parties; causing youthful couples to swirl in supreme exultation,

It radiated the essence of equality in a conglomerate of varied races; establishing a harmonious rapport between the same,

It brought about astounding changes in the life of dilapidated orphans; portraying to them the brighter side of life,

It proved to be remarkably efficient in relaxing unruly disputes; pacifying the irascible groups involved therein,

It worked wonders when executed in front of elders; winning numerous accolades and favors from the society,

It was adept way of conveying ones congenial regards; effusively expressing ones happiness at a particular moment,

It was as natural as the sun in the cosmos; the colossal ocean on earth; inevitably occurring when tickled voraciously in the ribs,

It was a commodity as tangible as the currency note; requiring the most minuscule of effort on part of the individual,

It was an ecumenical medium of communication; between races which spoke in different languages,

It was utterly invincible from all aspects; and couldn't be controlled by the most conventional of scientific device,

It was bountifully prevailing in all continents; every nook and cranny of the wide spread globe,

It appeared all the more ingratiating; when done to perfection by circus clowns,

It highlighted unparalleled ebullience; the propensity of an individual to blissfully exist,

It didn't required any instigation; a conventional contrivance to prompt it; envisaging a funny incidence was the simplest of thing to trigger it off,

It produced a tinkling sound when performed; an enchanting melody that mollified agitated nerves,

It was the most versatile form in which humans could ever express themselves; without having to stretch their brains,

No wonder doctors all around the world unanimously refer to it as laughter the best medicine.

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 1Where stories live. Discover now