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Just yesterday night I was bathing in a tub replete with silken foam;
While today as I got up in the morning; I saw colossal structures reverberating rampantly in the air outside.

Just yesterday night I was busy perceiving mesmerizing fairies;
While today when I got up in the morning; there was an earth shattering explosion; puncturing with turbulent velocity through my intricate eardrum.

Just yesterday night I was molding scented clay to intriguing shapes with my palms;
While today as I got up in the morning; I saw screeching birds drifting at electric speeds; flapping their wings to abscond away as fast as possible.

Just yesterday night I was conversing for marathon hours with my beloved;
While today as I got up in the morning; I saw blistering lava fulminate from umpteenth places on the muddy ground.

Just yesterday night I was watching my favorite film on television;
While today as I got up in the morning; there were gallons of acerbic dust hurtling directly across the moistened tear coat of my eye.

Just yesterday night I was reminiscing exuberant days of my tender childhood;
While today as I got up in the morning; I heard hysterical screams of people trapped helplessly beneath concrete debris.

Just yesterday night I took scrupulous care to trim my unruly beard;
While today as I got up in the morning; I saw individuals running helter-skelter to save their lives.

Just yesterday night I was listening to enthralling tunes of western classical music;
While today as I got up in the morning; I saw an old man gasping for breath; with waves of unprecedented terror entirely circumventing his face.

Just yesterday night I was profoundly involved filling my shopping bag with succulent fruit;
While today as I got up in the morning; I saw mammoth slabs of raw brick plummet violently towards the ground.

Just yesterday night I was sketching enamouring shapes with vivacious strokes of my paint brush;
While today as I got up in the morning; I heard a fleet of dogs and cattle shrieking uncontrollably in inexplicable pain.

Just yesterday night I was penning down lines of romantic poetry; languishing in aisles of fantasy and desire;
While today as I got up in the morning; I saw petrified citizens loudly chanting the names of their respective gods.

Just yesterday night I was gently caressing soft blades of spongy grass; While today as I got up in the morning; I saw distraught individuals rummaging for their life time wealth; amidst the pulverized interiors of their shattered homes.

Just yesterday night I was enthusing my mind trying to decipher mind boggling puzzles;
While today as I got up in the morning; I saw naked infants shivering on the streets; anxiously searching for their missing parents.

Just yesterday night I was rejoicing with my family sitting abreast the crackling fire;
While today as I got up in the morning; I saw streams of fresh blood blended profusely with the disdainful sands.

Just yesterday night I was traversing through the bustling streets with the rollicking laughter of children playing; prominently lingering in the air;
While today as I got up in the morning; I saw completely squelched arms and feet; lying juxtaposed along with the incongruously shaped rusty iron pillars.

Just yesterday night I was frivolously poking my mother in her ribs; sending her into chortles of uninhibited laughter;
While today as I got up in the morning; I saw wholesomely decimated cars and vehicles; under bulky columns of jagged stone.

Just yesterday night I was ardently sucking flavored ice candy;
While today as I got up in the morning; I saw people burning dead bodies of their loved ones in a coagulated heap.

Just yesterday night I was cognizing the majestic palaces constructed by the king of yesteryears;
While today as I got up in the morning; I heard faint cries of innocuous children trapped hopelessly under a heap of mortar and iron.

Just yesterday night I was incessantly fantasizing my city to be an ocean of enigmatic dreams;
While today as I got up in the morning; my perception disastrously changed within fraction seconds of time; as I saw the entire township; the main ingredient of my existence; sink beneath a mountain of mud; after being viciously attacked by the killer earthquake.

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 1Where stories live. Discover now