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Bravery is not the slightest in salaciously sucking blood; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so diabolically suck their blood; asking the Omnipotent Lord to further enlighten them with the spirit of benevolently priceless selflessness,

Bravery is not the slightest in brutally racist discrimination; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so satanically discriminate them; asking the unassailable Lord to further bless them with the winds of symbiotically infallible oneness,

Bravery is not the slightest in sacrilegiously unforgivable abuse; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so wretchedly abuse them; asking the triumphant Lord to further enrich them with mellifluously unshakable harmony,

Bravery is not the slightest in inconsolably delirious hatred; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so tyrannically hated them; asking the Omnipresent Lord to further replenish them with oceans of unsurpassable compassion,

Bravery is not the slightest in fanatically religious intolerance; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so horrendously desecrate them; asking the undefeated Lord to further sublime them with the one and only religion of humanity,

Bravery is not the slightest in devilishly deteriorating lies; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so maliciously deceive them; asking the eternal Lord to further immortalize them with the heavens of altruistic truth,

Bravery is not the slightest in inflicting pugnacious impoverishment; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so hideously make them poor; asking the ubiquitous Lord to further gift them with the insuperably redolent aura of unity,

Bravery is not the slightest in sadistically blinding; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so ghastily blinded them; asking the Omniscient Lord to further bestow them with the light of unconquerably egalitarian optimism,

Bravery is not the slightest in perpetuating dastardly homelessness; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so gorily devastated them; asking the benign Lord to further illuminate them with the lantern of pricelessly poignant togetherness,

Bravery is not the slightest in treacherously penalizing war; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so unsparingly bombarded them; asking the ever-pervading Lord to further rejuvenate them with the endlessly victorious Universe of peace,

Bravery is not the slightest in demonically victimizing rape; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so heartlessly raped them; asking the everlasting Lord to further ameliorate them with the desire to live and let live every unfurling instant of life,

Bravery is not the slightest in disastrously poisoning with the seeds of prejudice; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so egregiously vindicated them; asking the undying Lord to further motivate them with the quintessentially perennial ingredients of humanity,

Bravery is not the slightest in cold-bloodedly massacring artistry; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so wantonly maimed their arms and legs; asking the royal Lord to further fortify them with the skies of jubilantly amiable brotherhood,

Bravery is not the slightest in ominously dumbing the tongue; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so tawdrily circumscribed their freedom of speech; asking the impregnable Lord to further reinvigorate them with the limitless melody of divine creation,

Bravery is not the slightest in truculently freezing the senses; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so hedonistically pulverized their fantasies; asking the infallible Lord to further embellish them with the unendingly amalgamated strength of majestic living kind,

Bravery is not the slightest in despicably slandering slavery; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so bigotedly incarcerated them; asking the interminable Lord to further liberate them with the mantra of ecstatically divinely proliferation,

Bravery is not the slightest in licentiously shameful betrayal; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so cannibalistically broke their hearts; asking the bountiful Lord to further rehabilitate them with all the richness of mother nature on this fathomlessly enamoring planet,

Bravery is not the slightest in politically perverted terrorism; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those so mercilessly evaporated every trace of their felicity; asking the unchallangable Lord to further metamorphose them into the ultimate paradise of peace and humanitarian prosperity,

And Bravery is not the slightest in sinfully killing an infinite of living and mankind; but the brave are definitely those who still perpetually pray for all those who so uncouthly asphyxiated the air in their lungs; asking the Lord to further consecrate them with the immortally philanthropic atmosphere of vivid life

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 1Where stories live. Discover now