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The next time you lecherously stare at an innocent woman; remember that there might be someone as devilish as you in the fathomless world; who might be profanely staring at your bountifully venerated mother's flesh too; and this very instant,

The next time you demonically try to traumatize an innocent woman; remember that there might be someone as diabolical as you in the fathomless world; who might be sinfully trying to traumatize your symbiotically priceless mother too; and this very

The next time you sacrilegiously fantasize about an innocent woman; remember that there might be someone as demented as you in the fathomless world; who might be lewdly fantasizing about your invincibly compassionate mother too; and this very instant,

The next time you bawdily abuse an innocent woman; remember that there might be someone as chauvinistic as you in the fathomless world; who might be deplorably abusing your wondrously divine mother too; and this very instant,

The next time you cannibalistically advance to overpower an innocent woman; remember that there might be someone as imbecile as you in the fathomless world; who might be pugnaciously advancing to overpower your impeccably iridescent mother too; and this very instant,

The next time you sadistically molest an innocent woman; remember that there might be someone as wanton as you in the fathomless world; who might be reproachfully molesting your victoriously pristine mother too; and this very instant,

The next time you publicly disrobe an innocent woman to demonstrate your worthlessly decrepit power; remember that there might be someone as criminal as you in the fathomless world; who might be satanically disrobing your impregnably altruistic mother too; and this very instant,

The next time you salaciously leaped to prove your manhood by ominously beheading the innocent woman's scalp; remember that there might be someone as cadaverous as you in the fathomless world; who might be hedonistically leaping forward to behead your triumphantly beautiful mother too; and this very instant,

The next time you tyrannically invaded an innocent woman's privacy; remember that there might be someone as barbarous as you in the fathomless world; who might be blasphemously invading the privacy of your unflinchingly eternal mother too; and this very instant,

The next time you ruthlessly disowned an innocent woman for not the tiniest fault of hers; remember that there might be someone as venomous as you in the fathomless world; who might be truculently disowning your peerlessly holy mother too; and this very instant,

The next time you spit at an innocent woman in pathetic condemnation of her being the weaker sex; remember that there might be someone as deplorable as you in the fathomless world; who might be unrelentingly spitting on your unimpeachably benign mother too; and this very instant,

The next time you devilishly tarnish an innocent woman's image in the society; remember that there might be someone as jinxed as you in the fathomless world; who might be unbearably tarnishing your unconquerably enchanting mother's image too; and this very instant,

The next time you lethally set out to rape an innocent woman; remember that there might be someone as downtrodden as you in the fathomless world; who might have cold-bloodedly set out to rape your timelessly worshipped mother too; and this very instant,

The next time you torturously slave an innocent woman; remember that there might be someone as lecherous as you in the fathomless world; who might be despicably slaving your infallibly jubilant mother too; and this very instant,

The next time you mercilessly banish an innocent woman from your society; remember that there might be someone as wastrel as you in the fathomless world; who might be sordidly banishing your inimitably majestic mother too; and this very instant,

The next time you fiendishly snatch an innocent woman's true love; remember that there might be someone as ghastly as you in the fathomless world; who might be violently snatching your blissful mother's ultimate love too; and this very instant,

The next time you unforgivably extended your bloodstained palms to asphyxiate an innocent woman's breath; remember that there might be someone as insane as you in the fathomless world; who might be cannibalistically advancing his gory palms to asphyxiate your sacrosanct mother's breath too; and this very instant,

And now don't you meaninglessly put this forward in your defense O! worthlessly bigoted man; that you don't know anything like the Omnipresent Mother; or that you weren't in anyways born out of the Omnipotent Mother's womb.

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 1Where stories live. Discover now