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Wondrously transparent was its grandeur- which enamored the world with the charm of invincible substance- for the greatest benefit of the living kind,

Brilliantly optimistic was its presentation- rekindling fresh rays of hope and compassion in a planet usurped within the mortuaries of a meaningless war,

Majestically opulent was its flamboyant demeanor- as it ensured that truth prevailed in its own inimitable aura- and was perseveringly harnessed from its fragrant roots,

Marvelously resplendent was its victorious trail- reaching out to the absolute best and awarding symbiotic humanitarian existence with laurels of humble goodness,

Humanitarianly humble; yet astoundingly mighty were its deeds- as it accredited the true worth of success and insurmountable achievement with the honor it deserved,

Selflessly sensational were its headlines- as people of all religion; caste; creed and color united under a single roof of unparalleled love- to congratulate a fresh voice of promise,

Gloriously embracing were its altruistic palms- as it unabashedly invited the common man as well as the super celebrity to browse its website – wherein lay the most impeccable pearls of literature on the most fascinating aspects of existence,

Bounteously charismatic were its foundations – which evolved the most idealistic civilization of love; peace; friendship; dignity; integrity; peace and religious equality,

Triumphantly enriching were its medallions- which reinforced faith in the ability to pursue conviction and let it uninhibitedly fructify into the fruits of joyous positivity,

Irrefutably fearless were its decisions- as it poignantly accoladed the most deserving candidates in their respective fieldswholeheartedly appreciating talent and effort where it royally lay,

Marvelously magnanimous were its ceremonies- where the most intrepid of laureates had their own inimitably natural opinions- on their chosen paths in blessed life,

Honestly unbiased were its intentions- as it ingeniously segregated human fields of achievements into the most outstanding categoriesdefining peace; love; brotherhood and the betterment of the living kind,

Handsomely benevolent were its goals- as it patronized any form of goodness that lit up besmirched darkness with the profoundly sublime rays of togetherness and humanity,

Magnetically alluring was its charm- as it broke barriers of discomfort – facilitating inspired dialogue between you and the individual they crowned as their esteemed laureate,

Ardently persevering were its ideals- as it embarked on its zealously fulfilling mission of instilling solidarity amidst humanity- with its philanthropic commitment to mankind,

Beautifully bonding was its empowering feel- as what transpired at its prize giving function- was the world feeling more resourcefully enriched with the goodness of creation,

Indeed it was as "Nobel" as its name which is the Nobel Prize .

It can also be further visited at its website – NobelPrize.org .

And as a true citizen of my sacrosanct motherland India – I, Nikhil Parekh, offer it my humble salutations !

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 1Where stories live. Discover now