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Lets visit all areas disastrously decimated; try and bring a smile to those lips swollen with inexplicable pain,

Lets extricate injured bodies from beneath the debris; transport them at swashbuckling speeds to the nearest hospital,

Lets evacuate all that mangled junk sprawled on the streets; dump it at a place where none can sight it,

Lets sit around people sobbing with uncontrolled hysteria; wipe the tears trickling down their cheeks with omnipotent words of consolation,

Lets search our dwellings voraciously for indispensable amenities; distribute them chivalrously amongst those shivering in the inclement cold,

Lets audaciously clamber up shattered edifices; help people retrieve their precious and lifetime belongings,

Lets construct mammoth tarpaulin tents; to sequester people who fear to venture back into their abode,

Lets sing melodious tunes which resolutely permeate the atmosphere; portraying
the insatiable urge to survive,

Lets lift all those orphaned on our shoulders; try our best to emulate their slain parents,

Lets philander on the dilapidated lanes carrying gargantuan bundles of immaculate bandage; scrupulously wind the same on people with fresh wounds,

Lets assist the police in tracing those deplorable builders; charge them with
the highest treason for swindling innocuous people,

Lets curtail rumor mills from escalating high; prevent all possible pandemonium resulting as a baseless aftermath,

Lets provide fortification to substantially weakened structures; meticulously
ensuring they get reinforced with the highest pedigree of cement,

Lets take aerial snaps of the towns annihilated; emboss the same in newspapers; for the world to get a glimpse of the unfathomable tragedy,

Lets converse for marathon hours with the survivors; try our best to comprehend their concerns and requirements,

Lets intensely communicate on behalf of those bereaved; make indefatigable
attempts to locate their siblings overseas,

Lets pay equal attention to scores of animals maimed; try and mitigate their
suffering by adeptly dressing their wounds,

Lets carry pails of fresh water in all those colonies; wholesomely obfuscated
from the outside world,

Lets educate the people more vociferously; about the earthquake and its possible ramifications,

Lets procure tones of stringent chlorine tablets from the government; allot them benevolently to try and impede infection from circulating,

Lets donate blood traversing through our veins; giving it to those who haven't
enough of it left in their shriveled bodies,

Lets chisel out ways and magnanimous means to employ millions; who have been
divested of their jobs and homes,

Lets adopt all those wailing infants; who were found incarcerated in the arms of their dead mothers,

Lets stand tall and unflinching in this hour of insurmountable crisis; assist the people all round the globe; as well as those surviving to; rebuild a new Gujarat

The Power of Black - Poems on Humanity , Social Cause - volume 1Where stories live. Discover now