Chapter 3

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Mandie's POV:
I walked through the hallways, invisible to everyone around me. Although it did greatly annoy me that not a single person would acknowledge my presence if not to look at me as though I were a rotting corpse, I suppose it was nice not having to worry about any one else except for myself.

I never really understood what I had done to become so disliked. Perhaps it was merely because I wasn't the most beautiful of the girls or because I was never willing to go to parties, knowing that I could be pressured into getting drunk or having sex. Not that my parents would allow me to go, anyways.

As much as I loved my parents, I found them a little to over protective as well as completely oblivious to my life. They wouldn't let me go anywhere unless they had an exact layout of what we would be doing, knew the adult who would be with us, and had me text them once every hour to let them know that nothing bad had happened.

Although I understood their concern as I was their only child, I found a bit too excessive, especially considering in a few weeks I would be a legal adult. Besides, even with their watching my every move, they hadn't a clue who I really was. They didn't understand the life of solitude I led or know how I regarded myself.

I hid in my home room after visiting my locker, sitting in the back of the classroom and not paying attention to any student who walked in. I stood for the pledge, but did not recite it so that my voice wouldn't be heard. During school I only spoke when it was necessary, although if a teacher asked a question I was usually the first to answer it.

As the bell rang, I scurried out of the classroom and down the familiar path to my AP English class, one of my favorite classes that I took. In some of my other classes, I didn't particularly enjoy some of the curriculum, simply taking the course because it looked good on my college resumé rather than actually wanting to take it, but with english I was genuinely interested in it.

By the time I had reached the classroom there were already a few people trickling in. The new student immediately caught my eyes, although he wasn't at all hard to miss with his brilliant white mask on the right side of his face. I cautiously moved to my seat next to him and placed my stuff down.

"Hi, I'm Mandie, you must be new here," I spoke with a friendly smile. He gave no response in return, instead acting as though I didn't even exist. I frowned slightly and continued, "you've already caught on, huh?"

"I am afraid I have no idea what you mean, will you please leave me alone? I am here to learn, not make friends," he replied coldly, his voice harsh yet with a strangely melodic sound to it.

"I was just trying to be nice, it must be hard coming to a new school so close to the end of the year. But I understand if you don't want to associate with me, being new certainly doesn't help your popularity at all and you don't want to become more inferior by being seen talking to me."

"I do not care about popularity, I simply do not wish to speak to those who are inferior to me," he replied, an air of fake arrogance surrounding him. Although he tried to act sure of himself, I could see that there was no truth behind it.

"Alright, but please don't hesitate to ask if you need anything," I smiled in response. "I know it took me a while before I stopped getting lost in the school, please let me know if you need assistance finding any of your classes and I'll be sure to help you."

"What kind of idiot do you think I am? Do you seriously think that I will not be able to find my way around this tiny school?" He asked, rolling his eyes in frustration and turning away from me.

I didn't know what else to say, so I remained silent and sighed in frustration. There was something about him that made me want to help, perhaps it was because he reminded me of myself. He tried to appear tough and as though nothing bothered him, as I did as well. But deep down we were both lost and hoping for someone to understand us.

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