Chapter 15

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Mandie's POV:
I was tempted not to go to school on Monday, having been exhausted from the four shows that we had performed of Dracula. Of all of the shows I had performed, part of me felt as though Dracula had been one of the most exhausting, giving me adequate cause to stay home.

And yet, I wanted to go to school and see Erik again. The roses he bought me were sitting in a vase in my room, making me smile whenever I looked up at them. I had spent a good amount of time explaining to my parents that Erik was just a friend and he was merely trying to support me as a friend by buying me those flowers instead of their thinking that he was secretly my boyfriend that I had never told them about.

To be completely honest, I wouldn't have minded if that were true. There was something about Erik that I grew to admire as we spent more time together. What I felt towards him was stronger than anything I had felt toward a friend back when I had them. But I couldn't confess my feelings to him, afraid that he would not feel the same and our relationship would fall to shambles.

Even so, whenever I was in his presence, I felt the desire to tell him everything, to let him know how strongly I felt toward him. I wanted to take off his mask and kiss every inch of his face, assuring him that no deformity was going to stifle my love for him.

"Mandie?" I heard Erik ask, bringing me out of my thoughts. I quickly brought myself back to the present, trying to push my fantasies to the back of my mind.

"Oh sorry, I must have zoned out for a second, I'm still quite exhausted from the show," I replied, using that as an excuse as I got up from my seat in the auditorium to take my turn at the piano.

"Wait, Mandie, there is something that I wished to tell you before you begin to practice," he spoke, seeming to appear almost nervous. I couldn't remember a time when Erik had appeared at all nervous, making me a little frightened of what he wished to say to me.

"Oh, of course," I managed to get out as I felt myself tense up. "Wh-what is it that you would like to say?"

"Mandie, I have been trying to deny something for a long time now, something that no matter how hard I try, will always remain true. When we first met, I didn't want to become close with anyone, I didn't want to create a connection with anyone in fear that it would be too painful to part with them if I were to ever return to my own time-"

"Have you discovered how to get back?" I asked, thinking that that could be the only reason he was telling me this.

He shook his head, "and I do not want to learn how to get back now, either. Mandie, you were the only one in this world who treated me as though I were a man, not a monster. Even when I revealed my face to you, you did not shun me, instead you accepted me even with my deformity. I never thought I could ever meet anyone like you."

"What do you mean, I am nothing special. You talk of me as though I am some sort of angel when I am only an average person at best," I replied to Erik's kind words, unused to such praise.

"No, can't you see it?" He asked, taking my hands in his. "You are unlike any one else I have ever met, in this world or my own. And it is due to this that I- that I love you."

"Th-that you what?" I stuttered, not believing that I heard him correctly. My heart seemed to stop as I awaited his answer, praying that my ears had not deceived me.

"I-I love you, Mandie," he repeated, this time even more uncertainly than the first time he had said it.

"Is that a question, Erik?" I broke out into a radiant smile, feeling as light air. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into a hug.

"Y-you are not angry?" He asked, pulling away from me.

"What do you mean? Why would I be angry?"

"No one has ever loved Erik before," he replied, tears piercing his eyes.

"Well now someone has," I assured him, reaching up to kiss his cheek.

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