Chapter 10-THE END

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            A peaceful nights sleep is all she needed

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            A peaceful nights sleep is all she needed. Remembering even as she slept, the starry night she'd fallen asleep under with Bellamy at her side. That was all she needed, all she wanted. Feeling the warmth of his body on hers felt all too unreal, and she tried her hardest not to let it slip away. She didn't want to wake up. She loved where she was, with him.
              Clarke woke to the smell of the campfire smoke burning her nose. A smell she was all too used to smelling. She should be used to that distinctive burning smokey scent. It had seeped it's way into her clothes for so long now, she thought she would be used to it by now. But so far, as her peaceful sleep slipped away from her and she began to wake, there were a lot of things she was just now realizing that she would have to readjust to in the next couple minutes.
             The birds chirping in the distance, brought a comfort to her ears. She knew Bellamy wasn't there, and she wondered when he would get to hear the beautiful songs of birds. She knew the forest was Bellamy's favorite place to be. She'd caught him many times outside the walls just looking around the forest canopy that shielded their tiny community of delinquents; when they first came down.
              Her eyes fluttered open, and she sat up rubbing at her face as she listened to the silent desolate patch of clearing they were camped in. There was no celebration, not chattering of people on the wind. Just dead silence. A silence that haunted her many times over. The tree line not more that 20 feet from them. The clearing was empty, void of anyone around. Clarke let out a silent gasp not meaning to, she couldn't help it, she couldn't stop the tears from streaming down her cheeks. She desperately tried to wipe them away; but they poured. Poured without her consent. It was silly to be crying about this. She felt more than silly and embarrassed with her tears. She was not only happy, but sad at the same time. Because she hated that this was real. The illusion slipping it's way from Clarke's mind, she wanted so desperately to remember it. But the last six years of being in space began to slip from her mind leaving a confusing and agonizing feeling that she would never be able to stop. 

"Clarke are you okay? Whats wrong?" Her voice trailing over to Clarke's ears making her smile.

Clarke nodded as she looked over at Madi. "Yeah, I just had a really good dream."

A dream Clarke didn't want to forget, but at the same time desperately wished she never had; because it felt way too real. She wished it was real, she wanted it to be real. And as those thoughts stirred in her head Clarke felt a tinge of anger with herself for thinking so selfishly when she had Madi to care for.

Madi smirked with a brow cocked. "And you're crying because you had a good dream?"

Clarke nodded. "I wish it was real."

Madi nodded, "Well unfortunately we live in the real world not dreams. So what are we going to do about that ship?"

Madi's voice was so stern, as she tried to snap Clarke back to reality. But reality wasn't where Clarke wanted to live. It's where she was but it wasn't where she wanted to be. But Madi was right, they had a ship to worry about, and Clarke had Madi to care for. Her only friend, her daughter the one other person besides Bellamy Clarke couldn't bare to loose.

"Whatever we need to." Clarke answered, desperately wishing Bellamy and the others would come down soon.
           Clarke didn't want to do this alone. She didn't want to shy from her feelings for Bellamy any longer.. When he came down, IF he came down Clarke knew exactly that she would run to him, wrapping her arms around him. She knew she would tell him, because she swore to herself she would no longer keep her feelings from him. When the world was ending, she never told him, and every day for the last six years she'd regretted it. And now even though she still held hope in her heart, the question remained the same. Was Bellamy Blake still alive?

                                             (AUTHORS NOTE): 
I am really sorry if this ending sucked. . I know it's not the typical Bellamy and Clarke end up together in the end but I wanted to do something different. I haven't really seen anyone do something like this, and I wanted it to be different, and kind of tie into the show. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoyed it-what little there was lol. If you want more Bellarke, check out my one shots. They're a lot more satisfying. --Dont forget to leave a vote and a comment. Leave your theories for season 5, I'd like to hear em. 

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