THANKS??? Story-Update

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(Thought the art was cute-NOT mine)

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(Thought the art was cute-NOT mine)

                                  STORY UPDATE- AND INFO

Anyways, thanks to everyone and anyone who read my Bellarke. I'd recently just joined wattpad to get my own Bellark fixes. And wont lie ;) I had my own bellarke stashed away on my computer. And I was like man this is a really cool, and supportive community of people who all value and enjoy the same thing. Maybe I should offer up what I've got, and I did. I know it's not exactly popular, but I do know there are a few people who come back to read what i've got and that means a lot. Writing is a huge passion of mine, and working on Bellarke has been a good way to avoid my 'adult problems' haha not healthy I know. lol But writing what little Bellarke I have written has helped a lot with relaxing. I get home from work and am like "Ya' know what? Lets write some fuckin bellarke!" LOL 

Now onto the UPDATE. . Okay so I'm really sorry but the next chapter will be the last chapter for Six Years In Space. It started out fun, but it became repetitive and I just didnt think it wasnt fair for me to work on. Not to anyone who read it because some of my chapters werent very good and I put them out there anyways thinking well I gotta get something out. So Sorry. . Bout that. BUT I hope you like the last chapter. . . Hope. LOL.
BUT I'll be writing one shots. I feel like I do much better with those, so if you wanna check em out go right ahead. They're different every time. Filled with AU's to what we wanted to happen in season one-two-three and four. 

Welp, thanks! And Enjoy! Dont forget to give a vote and leave a comment.

Six Years In Space (Bellarke)Where stories live. Discover now