What Was I Thinking?

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A/N: HAPPY ONCE DAY!!! Hope you enjoy this chapter!

16 Weeks

I've been placed to mostly desk work, to my dismay. I have a feeling it is due to Killian more than anything else. I'm still fine to do regular police work; Addison said I was fine until around the 24th week (as long as I took it easy). And I plan on finding a way to get back to normal. I do NOT sit still, especially not when I have to do paperwork.

I head out to the stables during lunch. I felt like riding in Times Square for a while, just to get away from everyone. When I arrive, I automatically head for Shadowmere. She's my favorite horse in the stables. She is a Friesian. She knows me better than I know myself I think. I tack her up quickly and lead her out. Once mounted we head out into the city.

Times Square is crawling with people, as usual. I start out by the Hersey's store and make my way around. I see several children look up at me with awe. It always feels good to see them look up to us. I go for a second loop when my phone rings. I answer it quickly when I realize it's Killian.

"Where are you? Are you alright?" he asks worriedly.

"I'm fine, Killian. I'm out in Times Square. I thought it would be good to let Shadowmere out for a while," I reply honestly.

"Emma, you need to come back. It's not safe for you."

"Killian, Addison said I would be fine until I was 24 weeks. I am going to use all the time I can to be out," I argue.

"Please Emma," he begs. I can hear the fear in his voice.

"Killian, you know how much this means to me. I'll be home at normal time," I say as I hang up. I felt bad about it, but honestly, I'm tired of being coddled. It's pissing me the fuck off.

I turn Shadowmere around and start another loop. About halfway through the loop I see a small girl walking around the middle of the square. She looks lost so I turn Shadowmere towards her.

"Hey," I say gently when I get close. She looks up at me with fearful eyes. I dismount and walk towards her. "I'm not going to hurt you. I'm a police officer. Are you lost?"

She nods.

"Do you remember where you last saw your parents?"

She looks around and then shakes her head.

"Come with me," I say. "I'll help you find your parents."

I can tell she's nervous about trusting me. Her parents probably taught her not to talk to strangers. It was a good idea.

"I'm a police officer," I tell her again. "I can help you find your parents."

That seems to be all the encouragement she needs. She takes my hand and I lead her over to my horse.

"Do you like horses?" I ask softly.

"I've always wanted one, but living in the city won't allow it," she replies.

"This is Shadowmere. She's one of the best we have."

"She's pretty."

"Would you like to ride her?" I ask, bending down to her height.

"Can I?" she asks nervously.

"Come on. I'll help you up."

I help her into the saddle and it honestly hurt my back a little. I probably shouldn't have done that, but I do need to find her parents. I climb up behind her, the pain in my back getting worse. I push it to the back of my mind, she was more important at the moment. I nudge Shadowmere into a trot and head into the crowd.

"What is your name?" I ask.


"That's my name too," I say. What a coincidence.

"Can you see a sign that looks familiar?"

She looks around and then points to the Aeropostale store across the way. I turn Shadowmere that way and before we can get there, I hear frantic calls.



I stop and turn around.

"Mommy! Daddy!" the girl shouts happily.

Looks like we'd found them. They come up quickly and I hand over the young child. It hurt my back even more helping her into her father's arms.

"I can't thank you enough..." the man starts.

"Emma," I say.


"Make sure you keep a closer eye on her. She's already had enough adventures for one day," I tell them.

"I got to ride a horse!" the little girl says happily.

"We will. We won't let go of her hand again," the father replies, thankful to have their child back.

"Good. Have a good day," I say, watching them walk away.

I turn Shadowmere around and head back into the crowd. The pain in my back shifts to my stomach. I nudge the horse into a fast trot and turn off on a quieter street and call Addison.

"Emma, is everything alright?" she asks worriedly. She knows I never call.

"I don't think so." I can feel the tears in the back of my eyes.

"Emma, what's wrong?"

"My stomach hurts, really bad. Like it feels like I'm being stabbed with a knife," I admit, the tears breaking free.

"Can you get to the hospital?"

"I don't know. I'm right off Times Square by the Imperial Theatre. I should have listened to Killian. He's going to kill me."

"Alright Emma. Stay calm. I'm sending someone out to get you." Even I can hear the worry in her voice.

"Hurry Addison."

"Stay with me Emma. Stay with me."

The pain finally becomes too much. I feel myself fall forward, and my vision goes dark.

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