Lesson Learned

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A/N: Sorry this is out a week late, but it's been a long couple weeks. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter and I should hopefully be back on track after this.

The next thing I know is I hear multiple people around me and a horse nearby.

"Get her onto the gurney, now," a male says.

I feel myself being lifted and can see lights, but I black out again.

The next time I wake, I see Addison standing above me.

"Emma?" she asks. A light shines in my eyes and I close them quickly. "I need you to open your eyes Emma."

I do so reluctantly.

"Pupils' are good," she says. "Blood pressure and heart rate are up. We need to get those down now! And get me a fetal monitor stat!"

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Shh, Emma, don't talk. Just breathe into the mask."

I comply and feel myself succumbing to the darkness again. I awaken again to different settings. It's much quieter and though my eyes aren't open, I know there is someone beside me, and more importantly, who it is.

"Killian," I mumble.

"Emma?" he asks, worry evident in his tone.

"What happened?" I ask, opening my eyes. Still in the hospital.

"Addison said you started having a miscarriage."

I jump at that, but he pushes me back down.

"Easy Swan. Everything is good now. She got everyone calmed down."

I breathe in relief. I don't know what I would have done if something had happened to them, especially since it would have been my fault.

"I'm sorry Killian. I shouldn't have been so reckless," I admit.

"No, you shouldn't have," he responds, voice tight. I can tell this really scared him, which makes me feel even worse. "But I'm just glad everything will be alright. Next time, please listen to me," he begs.

"I will. I learned my lesson."

"Go back to sleep, Emma. I'll be here when you wake."

Again, sleep consumes me. 

Addison is talking with Killian when I open my eyes. They discuss plans for me for when I get out of the hospital. I try my best not to groan at the discussion. Apparently I'm to be kept on bed rest for a while. They will never hear the end of this. 

There are days like today that I wish there was such thing as magic, then I could heal myself and be ready for work.

Two Weeks Later (18 Weeks)

I'm still stuck in the house. Seriously, it's been two weeks. I'm fine. I groan as I roll over to check the time. It's ten in the morning. We have an appointment at two just to make sure everything is alright after the fiasco two weeks ago. I just want to be cleared for work again. I'm tired of staying home. I mean, Killian has stayed home with me these past two weeks, but I can't deal with it much longer. We've argued quite a lot lately and I just want to get out. I feel caged and I've had enough of that in my life already.

"Killian, please, let me move the recliner so it's in the sun," I beg.

"You're not supposed to move anything heavy," he argues back.

"Killian, it's been two weeks. Look, I feel fine, the babies are moving around fine, kicking me all the time. I need to do something before I go completely crazy!" I shout.

"You can do something safe for the three of you, you cannot move something heavy! Addison strictly prohibited the lifting of heavy objects. You're not supposed to do that when you're pregnant anyway. I'm sorry if my trying to keep you safe is driving you nuts!" He shouts before storming into the bedroom and slamming the door.

I lean against the recliner thinking about that argument. I really didn't mean to go that far, I just can't stand the walls of the house anymore.

I leave the recliner where it is and head into the kitchen to make a light breakfast, giving him time to cool down. I'd normally go after him, but my legs are hurting, keeping me downstairs.
I finish making the toast and cut up some strawberries and set them out on the table before calling him down.

"I'm sorry I made you angry Killian. You know I can't stand to be cooped up."

"I know, love. I just want you and the twins to stay healthy," he responds with a kiss to my forehead.

"If it makes you feel better, the recliner is still in the same place."

"Much better."

We sit down to eat breakfast before heading into the city to the hospital. We get there a little over half an hour early, so we sit and talk and stay close.

"Emma?" A nurse calls.

We head back into a room and she takes generic things like blood pressure and checks my heartbeat.

"Dr. Montgomery will be with you in a moment. In the meantime, could you change into this?" She asks nicely, handing me a gown.

She leaves and I change, coming out of the bathroom as Addison walks in.

"Perfect timing," she laughs.

"I guess so," I respond, chuckling myself.

"Has there been any pain, discomfort? Out of the ordinary of course, since the incident?" she asks.

"I was really sore the first few days and then things went back to normal. I haven't been able to do anything normal since then."

"You know I just want to keep you safe," Killian chimes in.

"I know, but I'd like things to go back to the way they were."

"As would we all," Addison remarks. "Let's see how they're doing today, shall we?"

She applies the gel and looks around for them.

"There they are. Looking healthy and I believe they're trying to hold hands."

"Awww..." I say with tears in my eyes as she shows us the monitor.

"Can you tell what they are yet?" Killian asks a bit impatiently.

"Not yet. They're hiding from me. By next time, I will for sure. Everything looks good, Emma. I would still like you to stay at home for another couple weeks just to stay on the safe side. By then, you can go back to normal chores. I know how impatient you are," she smirks.

I roll my eyes lightheartedly in response. She wipes the gel off and we head out, making another appointment.

Just great...more time at home...I need my life to go back to normal...

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