Chapter 2- Sakura'sTransformation

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"Well naruto-san, i grew up, i trained so hard my body was at risk of shutting down six times, thanks to tsuande-sama im still here" she spoke with a cold tone. "I asked for help and i recieved it im so thankful to all the people that helped me" she continued


"YES SAKURA-CHAN MY CHERRY BLOSSOM I WILL HELP YOU WITH MY POWER OF YOUTH" excitedly screemed a strange looking boy in green spandex.

few months later*

"impossible, impossible, simply impossible" smirked a man similar looking to lee also wearing green spandex

"You managed to beat lee in taijutsu" he said shocked

"I wouldnt of achived this without him" she smiled hugging lee tightly causing him to blush.

-End of Flashback-

"You see lee helped in taijutsu, Tsuande-sama helped in my medical jutus and my strenght, Shika-kun helped with my mental strategies, Kiba-kun and Akamaru taught me to use my sense of smell more, Sai touched up how to use beast scroll, Ibiki-san taught me interogation and torture, Anko-chan taught me to aim perfectly not missing a bit, Gai-san taught me speed. Kurenai-chan and Kaka-sensei taught me genjutsu and how to escape and avoid it, and the rest i trained myself everyday for the past 4 years I surpassed all of my sensei, you left me naruto, when you left you took my emotions" she said coldly

"You drove me to this, if not for my team, for my boys i wouldnt of gotten this far they helped me, they supported me, they trained me, they were there for me, they never betrayed me, stood by me, fought with me, they're my true friends"

"Those in the ninja world who break the rules are scum, but those who abandon their friends are lower than scum" she said looking him straight in the eyes his blue orbs staring back at her in utter shock and lack of words.

"Hokage-sama I thank you for today but I would like to ask to return home" she said looking and tsuande, she nodded with that sakura left still holding onto shikamarus hand.

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